Venezuela, between Maduro's victory, negotiation or coup d'etat


After the failure of the uprising led by Juan Guaidó and Leopoldo López, in Venezuela uncertainty reigns. Maduro He is still in power, the president of the National Assembly has not been arrested and the leader of Voluntad Popular, released from his house arrest by the rebel army, is a refugee at the home of the Tanzanian ambbadador. Spain. With an apparent "technical drawThe country is now considering three scenarios: Maduro definitely defeats the opposition, the dome of Armed forces they lend themselves to a coup d'etat; or the opportunity is open to a negotiated exit with guarantees for Chavez.

When the Operational freedom Last Tuesday, Maduro sighed, but did not sing the victory. For this, he must turn off demonstrations in the streets of the opposition. If the head of state took a step forward and captured Guaidó, he would put a disjunctive difficult in the United States. "We hope it will not happen, we will see the streets of Venezuela, the streets where people are being killed, at least we could go help it a little or maybe help a lot," Trump said on Wednesday. , alerting once again the possibility of military intervention in Venezuela.

How Nicolás Maduro manages to stay in power despite the crisis

Despite the increase in verbal pyrotechnics, Luis Vicente León, president of the polling station Data badysis, believes that there is still a chance for resolution agreed between the opposition and Chavez, with the mediation and participation of international powers. "The possibility of a negotiation is never broken, there is always room for that," he said. PROFILE from Caracas. This negotiation would include an amnesty for the military encumbrados of the regime and the lifting of the sanctions imposed by the United States.

To avoid the ghosts of a coup d'état of the generals, who until now were loyal to the Revolution, Leon thinks that there will be purges in the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (BNAF) ). The United States National Security Advisor, John Bolton, revealed that three personalities of Chavismo had agreed with the White House to overthrow Maduro and to call elections. Vladimir Padrino LópezMinister of Defense and Chief of the Army; Maikel Moreno, President of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), and Iván Hernández Dala, Director of the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence, would have been the interlocutors of the United States. "This may be Bolton's own strategy for cause a fracture in Chavismo", Considered the badyst.

Guaidó reappears and calls for military barracks

Although Guaidó and López claim that there are Maduro unhappy officers and that there will be more "moves" to expel him from Palace of MirafloresThe secret reigns at the barracks. "There is a secret because the military sector is first protected and secondly because it is spied in. The government knows the risks it runs. opposition to having information that she can use against him, "León added.

Those who would lead this internal espionage would be Cuban intelligence services, according to the White House. However, the government of Cuba He denied this week having participated in military or security operations in Venezuela.


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