Venezuela, between the order of "economic choking" of Trump and "the invitation to dialogue" of Maduro


The crisis in Venezuela is not just internal. The conflict for the power of this country began to Climb to the international, with governments supporting the ruling party and others with the opposition. While the United States has demanded "economic suffocation" from the Chavez government, Nicolás Maduro's government has said it is ready to "dialogue", while the "president in charge", self-proclaimed "Juan Guaidó convened the 39, army "to take sides with the people".

Donald Trump wants to strengthen his support for opposition leader Juan Guaidó. For this, the Republican government acknowledged that it was now focusing on "disconnecting Maduro's illegitimate regime from the source of its income." That's what National Security Advisor John Bolton said after a extraordinary meeting that the White House had several options were evaluated to strengthen Guaidó.

After these definitions, there was a concrete action against Maduro, although he did not come from the United States. The Bank of England has communicated to the Venezuelan authorities, according to the agency Bloomberg, which banned Chavez's president from taking $ 1.2 billion worth of gold from his entity.

Since the White House, they seek, since the beginning of the conflict, to approach a part of the population that rejects Maduro. For this, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sent a message to Venezuelans. "I want you to know that the people of the United States support you. They recover their country to restore democracy. "He also promised to help with $ 20 million in humanitarian aid.

For his part, Nicolás Maduro met with foreign media and badured that he "was still looking for dialogue". "I believe in peace and in words, I am a man of my word," he badured from the presidential palace of Miraflores. However, he warned that this corresponds to the Venezuelan judicial system "act "in accordance with the law against Guaidó to "preserve the State, the democratic order and the law of Venezuela".

The Bolivarian leader accused Trump of wanting to impose a "puppet government" in the country according to his interests, and he challenged in the event of a bellicose confrontation between the powers: to bring his army to Venezuela "He said later, after learning that he was being observed at the White House, he joked:"How are you my friends? Let's settle this by the good ones. "

On Wednesday, Maduro gave US diplomats 72 days to visit Venezuela and ordered Thursday the closure of the United States Embbady and Consulates in the United States. "Our business is oursand we must settle them without the presence of gringos or imperialist powers, "he said.

On the other end, Guaidó also manifested itself at the same time Maduro was talking. The Speaker of Parliament said he would call for free elections, he asked the military "take the side of the people" and badured that they were holding him back, "it would be a coup d'etat of a usurping regime".

Guaidó, very hard against Maduro: "A usurped group makes him president neither to sleep nor to bathe with! We said:" when we will have an international recognition, we will cross the step "

– TN – Todo Noticias (@todonoticias) January 25, 2019

"The time has come to put aside the constitution, to respect the people of Venezuela, the country's soldier, heir to Bolivar, Miranda, Sucre, put on the side of the people of Venezuela. recognize this legitimate power? he asked, in an appeal to the army.


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