Venezuela closed all border bridges with Colombia


He also pointed out that the border will open when "to control blatant acts of violence against our people and our territory"

To integrate

By demanding respect for the basic norms of international law, we ask @ IvanDuque stop in his infamous actions and stop facilitating the attempt of the territory of Colombia, x order of @realDonaldTrump against the right of the Venezuelan people to live in peace and sovereignty

– Delcy Rodríguez (@DrodriguezVen) February 23, 2019

The drastic step taken by the Venezuelan leader in the middle of the political struggle triggered around the humanitarian aid claimed bring to Venezuela the countries that support Juan Guaidó, who proclaimed himself president of the country Jan. 23 on behalf of the National Assembly, dominated by the opposition.

It The aid was stored in collection centers located in the border town of Colombia, Cúcuta, in the Brazilian state of Roraima and in the Caribbean island of Curaza.or under the domain of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


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