Venezuela: Donald Trump reaches the highest levels of the diplomatic apparatus of Maduro – 26/04/2019


The United States increased on Friday the pressure against the government of Nicolás Maduro to impose penalties against Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza and promise new measures against Caracas and "those who are responsible for conducting their diplomacy".

Jorge Arreaza at the UN / AFP

Jorge Arreaza at the UN / AFP

Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up "src ="

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

Washington promotes a series of sanctions against Venezuela's political and financial institutions as part of its campaign to the recognition of the parliamentary leader Juan Guaidó, who in January was proclaimed interim president considering that the second term of Maduro initiated on January 10 lacks legitimacy.

"The United States will not look at how the illegitimate regime of Maduro deprives the Venezuelan people of its wealth, its humanity and its right to democracy," said Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

After the recognition of Guaidó, the two countries broke off their diplomatic relations and began a struggle to obtain the right to exercise the diplomatic representation of Venezuela in Washington. currently occupied by left-wing activists in favor of Maduro.

A sleeping bag of a member of the group "collective protection of the Embbady" who occupies the Venezuelan Embbady in Washington. / EFE

A sleeping bag of a member of the group "collective protection of the Embbady" who occupies the Venezuelan Embbady in Washington. / EFE

I kept reading

Venezuela has its own channels and dozens have already disappeared into the sea "data-big =" "data-small =" https: // images.

The effects of the crisis


Arreaza warned Thursday of the UN in New York that if the United States were entering the Caracas Embbady in Washington, your country could interact.

The sanctions announced this Friday also affect Judge Carol Padilla, involved in the arrest last month of the chief of the Guaidó cabinet, Roberto Marrero.

"Following the sanctions of today, all the properties of these individuals and any property that they own, directly or indirectly, as a percentage of 50% or more, in the United States or occupying or controlling persons in the United States they are stuck"says the Treasury Department.

Embbady of Venezuela in Washington / EFE

Embbady of Venezuela in Washington / EFE

The United States reiterated that these sanctions need not be permanent and aimed at a "change of behavior"

Venezuela, plunged into an economic crisis unprecedented in the recent history of the region, has been living since January an impulse for power between Guaidó, recognized by more than 50 countries as acting president, and Maduro, which enjoys support from foreign countries such as Russia and China.

At the same time, the country is going through the worst crisis in its modern history, with hyperinflation expected in 10,000,000% this year and a shortage of staples that has caused the migration of more than 2.7 million people since 2015, according to the UN.

Look also

The Treasury has indicated that these badets must be reported to the Office of Foreign Assets Control (FOCA).

The series of sanctions that the United States took against the Venezuelan government began in 2014 under the government of Barack Obama with an imposing law penalties against those responsible for human rights violations in Venezuela.

Juan Guaidó heads an "open council" in Caracas on Friday / EFE

Juan Guaidó heads an "open council" in Caracas on Friday / EFE

Already under the government of Donald Trump, the Treasury had sanctioned eight members of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela for decisions that "usurped" the authority of the National Assembly, the democratically elected and controlled parliament since January 2016 by a majority of opposition parties.

In July 2017, the Treasury sanctioned President Nicolás Maduro, a few days after the holding of the elections of a constituent national badembly to impose "an authoritarian regime".

After the start of Maduro's second term on January 10, The United States has imposed sanctions on the state oil company PDVSA to prevent Maduro from diverting badets from Venezuela until power can be transferred to a transitional government or a new government elected in accordance with democratic standards.

Source: AFP



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