Venezuela has rejected new US trade sanctions as illegal


"Venezuela considers unacceptable the cynical and criminal decision of the Donald Trump government to try to implement measures contrary to international law (…) by announcing that sanctions against Venezuelan ships and transport companies would affect oil shipments to the sister Republic of Cuba. ", says a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs note indicates that Washington "Once again, it is placed outside the most basic legal principles" and says that his intention is "to generate suffering among the peoples of our America", informed the agency Europapress.

The Government of Caracas indicates that, therefore, it will respond through the corresponding judicial channels.

Foreign Assets Control Office (FOCA) of the US Treasury Department included two companies that work in the oil industry of Venezuela, a ship that transports crude from this country to Cuba and 34 vessels belonging to the national oil company PDVSA.

The secretary of the treasury, Steven T. Mnuchin, he said that "Cuba was an underlying force that fueled the crisis in Venezuela" and he badured that this country "continues to benefit and support the illegitimate regime of Maduro through the oil repression patterns that keep it in power".

According to the White House, Havana "It is one of the largest oil importers in Venezuela and, in return, sends badistance to Venezuela in the form of political advisers, intelligence and military advisers, and health professionals, all of whom are to guarantee the maintenance of Maduro in power ".

On January 10, the Venezuelan crisis worsened as a result of Maduro's decision to start a second term that neither the opposition nor much of the international community regard as the presidential election of May 20th. "fraud".

On January 23, the leader of the opposition, Juan Guaidó, declared himself "president in charge" of Venezuela.

The legislature has gained immediate recognition from more than 50 countries in the international community, including the United States and most Latin American countries, including Argentina.

Meanwhile, on April 2, the National Constituent Assembly – controlled by the Venezuelan government – lifted Guaidó's parliamentary immunity, thus paving the way for the trial and detention of the head of state. opposition.


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