Venezuela: humanitarian aid arrives in Cucuta and is stuck at the border – 08/02/2019


The convoy of ten trucks of humanitarian aid for the Venezuelan sectors most affected by the shortage arrived on Thursday afternoon in the midst of shouts of joy and tears of joyCucuta Store, in Colombia, waiting to cross the bi-national Tienditas bridge to take the cargo to Venezuela.

Trucks arrive at the border with Colombia. / AFP

Trucks arrive at the border with Colombia. / AFP

Escorted by the Colombian police, the first two container trucks of the Colombian company Coltanques directed the caravan. followed by smaller vans.

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Depending on the load capacity of the ten trucks, the first load would take more than 100 tons of food, medicine and supplies for hospitals in Venezuela, mostly from USAID USA, which arrived by plane from Bogotá, then was transported by routes to the border town of Cúcuta, north of Santander.

At the height of the Los Acacios de Cucuta toll, Venezuelan deputy Jose Manuel Olivares, a doctor by profession, welcomed the Colombian truckers, visibly moved every time the truckers sounded the salute that he had answered with his fist. . up.

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But the precious load of food and medicine for the poorest could not continue the road of the Venezuelan territory, because the regime of Nicolás Maduro blocked the Tienditas bridge with a tanker and two containers as well as barbed wire across the road to prevent the pbadage of humanitarian aid.

This is a convoy of 10 trucks in total. / AP

This is a convoy of 10 trucks in total. / AP

The Tienditas Bridge 280 meters long It was built by both countries in 2017 but It has not been used yet. The convoy of help will open the bridge.

Maduro alleges that Venezuelans are not "beggars" who give "alms". Denies that the humanitarian crisis exists. But deep down what he fears is that help becomes a "Trojan horse" and bring an invasion and a military intervention by the United States

The Tienditas bridge, blocked by order of Nicolás Maduro. / AP

The Tienditas bridge, blocked by order of Nicolás Maduro. / AP

In the last few hours, Maduro has reopened a drug manufacturing lab, but the truth is that pharmacies do not receive the remedies more basic Like aspirin, ibuprofrene, acetaminophen, antiparasitic, antidiarrheal and a lot less children's vaccines.

On the Venezuelan side of the border, as in the state of Tachira, the city is taken militarily prevent the pbadage of the convoy. The soldiers are doing exercises and the police officers of the dreaded FAES (Special Action Forces) commanded by Freddy Bernal are intimidated by the Tachirenses.

Maduro with playful gestures also did exercises with militia stationed at military base warehouses, making waves, to demonstrate his military might, which has not yet broken the opposition Juan Guaidó, the acting president who call army officers allow the entrance of the convoy with help.

On the Venezuelan side, in addition to Táchira, the states bordering Colombia such as Mérida and Zulia they are prepared receive help in collection centers. The first phase is supply of public hospitals with medical supplies.

Venezuelan soldiers guard the entrance to the Tienditas bridge. / Reuters

Venezuelan soldiers guard the entrance to the Tienditas bridge. / Reuters

Venezuelans have a lot of hope with the arrival of help. There is between 250,000 and 300,000 patients with a high risk of life and death with diseases and malnutrition that requires urgent attention and can not wait. This figure was provided by Guaidó himself on more than one occasion.

In the state of Anzoátegui, in the east of the country, a diabetic patient requiring dialysis treatment said through the networks that "if help does not arrive , we are dying".

The collection center in Cucuta, where the trucks wait. / AFP

The collection center in Cucuta, where the trucks wait. / AFP

CNN, of Atlanta, said Puerto Rico Secretary of State Luis Rivera Marín said the aid had already begun to reach Venezuelan territory despite the Maduro regime's attempts to convoy.

"We have seen with deep regret how they intend to block access to the land of Colombia, in Cucuta, Venezuela," said this Puerto Rican official in an interview with Fernando del Rincon in CNN's Spanish conclusions. .

The trucks were received by Venezuelans in Colombia with posters against the regime. / Reuters

The trucks were received by Venezuelans in Colombia with posters against the regime. / Reuters

Luis Rivera Marín he did not specify where in Venezuela he arrived delivery of help, only said that hospitals would receive oncological and pediatric.

It remains only in Maduro to allow the entry of food and medicine because of the extremely high number of Venezuelan patients.

Caracas, special


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