Venezuela: IACHR condemns Chavista regime for two extrajudicial executions


Other organizations that account for dozens of cases of enforced disappearance are the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin), the Bolivarian National Police (PNB) and the Special Action Forces (FAES).  EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez / Archives
Other organizations that account for dozens of cases of enforced disappearance are the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin), the Bolivarian National Police (PNB) and the Special Action Forces (FAES). EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez / Archives

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) on Monday condemned the regime of Nicolás Maduro for two extrajudicial executions in 2003, when Hugo Chavez was president of Venezuela. Jimmy Rafael Guerrero Meléndez and Ramón Antonio Molina Pérez were murdered by the Chavista security forces.

The IACHR underlined that the Chavist dictatorship violated “the rights to life, to personal integrity, the rights to life, to personal integrity, to personal liberty, to judicial guarantees and to judicial protection” of Guerrero Meléndez and Molina Pérez.

On March 30, 2003, Jimmy Guerrero and his relative Ramón Molina were extrajudicially executed by police in Falcó State.nm Previously, the first, twenty-six years old at the time of his death, was the victim of harassment, illegal and arbitrary detentions and acts of torture committed by the police forces ”, indicates the official document published by the IACHR.

Guerrero Meléndez was arbitrarily detained and then tortured by the police, who described him as “anti-social” and “dangerous”. The IACHR determined that the actions of the security forces were motivated by preconceived ideas about the alleged dangerousness of a young man living in poverty.

“In turn, the Court established that after the murder, the police demonstrated severe cruelty to Mr. Guerrero’s body, which is understood as a manifestation of police violence against young men living in poverty, as well as the conviction of the aggressors that this would remain with impunity ”, indicates the IACHR in the judgment.


And he added: “Indeed, the Court indicated that the State failed to fulfill its obligations under the rights to judicial guarantees and judicial protection due to the lack of investigation into the facts committed against Jimmy Guerrero before. his death. Lhe came to the same conclusion with regard to the manner in which the investigations into the events which led to the death of MM. Guerrero and Molina, who after more than 14 years have not resulted in the determination of the corresponding responsibilities “.

On the other hand, at the beginning of July, Michelle bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, explained that the system of abuse and torture applied by the regime of Nicolás Maduro to the population but, above all, to the opposition, dissent remains in force in Venezuela.

“Office Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) continued to receive credible reports of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. He received reports of beatings, electric shocks, sexual violence and threats of rape. OHCHR is not aware of any action taken by the National Commission for the Prevention of Torture between June 1, 2020 and April 30, 2021, part of the report released Thursday read.


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