Venezuela in crisis: Nicolás Maduro and a report on the BBC


February 12, 2019
– 19.02

The Venezuelan president, who is trying to improve its image internationally, has left some controversial sentences in the news network

The government of Nicolás Maduro strives to recover public, media and political spaces abroad, an area in which Juan Guaidó It's stronger. As part of this strategy, Nicolás Maduro gave an interview to the BBC – the public service of radio and television in the UK – and left some controversial sentences.


Guaidó threatened soldiers blocking humanitarian aid

"It's a political war of the American empire, interests of the far right, the Ku Klux Klan, who today govern the White House to take control of Venezuela" said the president in an interview with the BBC.

"This is part of a farce, which is why, with dignity, we tell them that we do not want their crumbs, their toxic food, their remains," concluded the president, s & # 39, addressing the governments that recognized Guaidó, then proposed humanitarian aid.

The interview with Maduro:

Interview with Maduro on the BBC


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