“Venezuela is a toxic problem and it cannot occupy that much space”


(Madrid-Special Envoy) The ship’s commissioner hastily withdraws the already empty cup of coffee which the Chancellor has finished in a few sips: “I’m afraid it will fly away“The plane totters through the clouds: in a few minutes, the official delegation headed by Alberto Fernández will land in Madrid, the second stop on the tour that started in Lisbon, focusing exclusively on the economic agenda.

Felipe Solá describes the status of the tour which started this Sunday and ends Friday. He talks about the first stop in Lisbon which he defines as “successful” and even of the situation in Venezuela, a subject he discussed with his Portuguese counterpart: “It’s a toxic problem, it can’t take up so much space. “, says Solá.

President Alberto Fernández arrives in Madrid.  Photo Cezaro Luca.

President Alberto Fernández arrives in Madrid. Photo Cezaro Luca.

– What is the success you talk about in this first chapter of the tour in Portugal?

– There is one thing that is difficult to explain in general in journalism is that they do not accept that from a visit of less than 24 hours (in Portugal) there are few results tangible and many results are environmental preparation. It looks like a violin. These are not instant gestures, we knew what we wanted and we reaffirmed everything. What is the preparation of the room? For example, that they continue with António Guterres …

– Will Argentina support Guterres’ re-election to the UN?

– Yes, it was something that Alberto Fernández commented (in front of the Portuguese Prime Minister, Antonio Costa). Argentina has asked to stay on the United Nations Human Rights Council.

– You say that the first step went well, what are you looking for in Spain?

The same, but in more detail. Spain is much larger, but Spain is weaker. This is not the Spain of about a year ago, in February. Because of the defeat in Madrid, which is very hard, and because the coalition has been broken. It’s the same goal with a Sánchez who should be more concerned. But these are the same goals. Spain entered Venezuela a lot, a vice-chancellor changed there, I spoke a lot with my colleague, Arancha González, but that’s my thing …

– Venezuela will therefore be present during this visit to Spain.

– For the Contact Group on Venezuela, which includes half of the countries of Europe.

– And Costa spoke with the president of Venezuela?

– I don’t know. I don’t know.

– But with your Portuguese counterpart, you talked about Venezuela.

– Yes, I spoke of Venezuela, of Nicolás Maduro, of the opposition, of everything. And I told him that I believe Venezuela cannot occupy so much space. Changes in Venezuela will not be anytime soon, it is a situation that has become much longer, unfortunately suffering, and it will be slow and through the opposition appearing in October. Venezuela cannot occupy so much time when progress is so slow.

– Is it a toxic subject?

– How many questions do you stop talking about, regional and economic cooperation, to talk about Venezuela? It’s toxic, of course. And from the outside, internal companies judge their countries by their position on Venezuela.

– What is Argentina looking for in its passage through France, which begins this Tuesday afternoon?

– The same as here, but with a very nice chairman. The team is stronger in France because of the president.

– Could there be something specific related to expiration with the Paris Club?

– I don’t know, that’s why he’s talking to a bald man who’s around, who says he knows about it (referring to Minister Guzmán).

– Then the tour continues in Rome: Pope Francis has a particular symbolism.

– Ah, the Pope is very important …

– What do you see behind this meeting?

-Everything is intended for this stage of negotiations with the Fund, both in Portugal, France and Italy, and then there is also the seminar where Kristalina Georgieva will be and where she can be, I don’t know if by video , Janet Yellen (United States Secretary of the Treasury). It is therefore very important.

– Do you think that the activity or the interview with Francisco is more important?


– If you could measure this trip in terms of success or failure, what would you say?

– Have you ever seen a minister say he failed?

– How are you at the chancellery?

– Very good.

– Because there were questions at the time.

– It was from November to mid-January. It was forty days and forty nights.

– He’s already finished it.

– Yes, it was half enlightening and half adjusted to structures and behaviors.

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Alberto Fernández's tour: a trip motivated by the economic agenda and to forget internal tensions

Pope Francis, abortion and Alberto Fernández's main concern on his tour


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