Venezuela is among the countries with the least population vaccinated against the coronavirus


Person receives coronavirus vaccine in Caracas (EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez)
Person receives coronavirus vaccine in Caracas (EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez)

Venezuela is in the last positions in the list of countries with the smallest number of population vaccinated against the coronavirus, as the interim government of Juan Guaidó denounced on Monday.

“Venezuela is in the last places” in the vaccination ladder, the opponent wrote on his Twitter account. Carlos valero, who added that the Venezuelan dictator, Nicolás Maduro, “has politicized and supported vaccination”.

The opponent asked to move forward in a “massive”, “orderly” plan that complies with the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO).

“The developed world, governments and large pharmaceutical companies need to understand that equity in access to vaccines is an existential imperative in order to stop rates of COVID-19 infections. The vaccination in Venezuela was exclusive, ”added Valero.

On Saturday, the executive vice-president of the Chavista regime, Delcy Rodriguez, said the country will go through a process of “expanding” covid-19 vaccination, during the remainder of August, September and October.

Rodríguez assured that the Caribbean nation is in a second phase of vaccination, which includes people over 40 years old, but indicated that all people over 60 who have not yet received the doses of the first phase must be found vaccinated.

Delcy Rodríguez said Venezuela is in a second phase of vaccination, which includes people over 40 (EFE / Rayner Peña R.)
Delcy Rodríguez said Venezuela is in a second phase of vaccination, which includes people over 40 (EFE / Rayner Peña R.)

“What remains of August, September and October we are going towards a process of intensifying the vaccination process, we must get vaccinated, manage to immunize 70% of the population, which is the goal. We have the vaccines” , declared the vice-president of the dictatorship, without specifying when they arrived nor from which pharmaceutical company they come.

However, during a tour of the sector on January 23 in Caracas, One person assured that he was still waiting for the second dose, to which Rodríguez replied that “soon” Russia would send the second dose of Sputnik V., although he did not give more details or a date.

Although the delay in the supply of the second dose has been recorded for weeks, Chavist authorities have not provided further details of the delay, not even to those affected – mostly people over the age of 60 – who should receive the second vaccine. after 21 days, but in some cases they waited longer than two months.

The Venezuelan NGO Doctors Unidos has assured that it does not know of a plan or schedule of vaccination in the country, as well as the arrival of the second dose of Sputnik V in Venezuela or the rest of the vaccines.

“In hospitals, there is no timetable for receiving security equipment, but we already know the timetable for the elections,” Médicos Unidos said.

Similarly, Médicos Unidos denounced that vaccines continued to arrive in the country from China, but the regime’s health ministry did not publicly announce it. “Chinese vaccines are coming, only the ministry does not announce them. So there are vaccines (we don’t know how many) but they skipped the plan and it’s done in a disorganized, messy and politicized way with the Homeland page and the map. The solution is to expand vaccine positions, ”the NGO said on its Twitter account.

Protesters take part in a protest by health workers to demand covid-19 vaccines in Caracas (EFE / Rayner Peña)
Protesters take part in a protest by health workers to demand covid-19 vaccines in Caracas (EFE / Rayner Peña)

The diet has received a lot of criticism since the vaccines started arriving in the country, such as the figures made public varied by several thousand depending on the official who provided them, which created great mistrust among the population when verifying that the information was not true, despite dealing with a relevant issue such as public health.

As dictator Maduro recently announced, Venezuela is still awaiting the arrival of just over six million anticovid vaccines from the Covax mechanism, which is coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The Caribbean nation surpassed 325,700 coronavirus cases on Sunday since the start of the pandemic and deaths from the disease stand at 3,895, according to data provided by Maduro’s regime, which is questioned by the opposition and much of the international community for lack of transparency. .

With information from EFE

Read on:

Maduro’s regime received COVID-19 vaccines it did not make public and applied them on a discretionary basis
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