Venezuela: Maduro congratulates for a great victory at the UN


"We had a great victory in the UN today, a victory for Venezuela, a victory of the great truth with the support of the majority of countries," he said at the time. an act broadcast by state television.

At the special meeting of the Security Council on Saturday convened at the request of the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, 19 out of 35 countries rejected "foreign interference" in Venezuela. "A huge victory, Mike Pompeo, left the meeting," added the Venezuelan president.

Maduro has called his American pair, Donald Trump, to the National Security Advisor of the White House, John Boltonand the senator Marco Rubio to form the "trio of terror", and baderted that he had been forced to sever relations with Washington to interfere in Venezuela's internal affairs and expel all staff from the consulate and American embbadies of the country.

"They left, today the last group is gone"The President announced that he had ordered the Foreign Ministry to begin discussions with" Mr. Jimmy (James) Story, who was the Commercial Director of the Venezuelan Embbady, "to establish offices of interest in Caracas and Washington" with minimal staff "as he worked for years in Cuba.

"We have agreed today to begin negotiations in 30 days for the establishment of an Office of Official Interest Representation between the United States Government and the Government of Venezuela," he said. he declared.

In addition, he read the statement authorizing "the permanence of the remaining members of each mission who, during the agreed period, will continue to be protected by diplomatic prerogatives".

He stressed that if an agreement was not reached in time, the two missions "would cease their activities and the two States would proceed to the designation of the entity that each would choose to entrust to their respective interests", while the staff had to "leave the territory of each country within the borders". the next seventy-two hours. "

In spite of Maduro's orders, the acting president appointed by the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, invited officials of the US Embbady to stay in Venezuela and those of his country to those of the United States. United States to represent his transitional government.

For his part, Maduro said that a great solidarity movement with his government was being born in North America and Spain, especially after "the worrisome position of President Pedro Sánchez who joined Donald Trump "

"He who is an unelected president, he was elected by no one, we were elected and reelected by popular vote"he said.

In this regard, he stated that "the documents showing how the farce of the coup d'etat began to appear" and asked the Minister of Communication, Jorge Rodríguez, to clarify the press information that Guaidó would have in several countries to "receive instructions". perform "the coup d'etat".

"The acting deputy went to the United States, Colombia and Brazil to receive instructions and then traveled by land to Colombia," Rodriguez said.


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