Venezuela: Maduro’s regime arrives in Mexico with the aim of concluding “partial agreements” with the opposition


The negotiating team will be made up of deputies Génesis Garvett, Diva Guzmán, Francisco Torrealba and Nicolás Maduro Guerra (Photo: REUTERS)
The negotiating team will be made up of deputies Génesis Garvett, Diva Guzmán, Francisco Torrealba and Nicolás Maduro Guerra (Photo: REUTERS)

The head of the Venezuelan regime’s negotiating team in negotiations with the opposition, Jorge Rodríguez, assured this Friday, on his arrival in Mexico, that he had “Deep expectations” for the second cycle of dialogues with the opposition that starts today.

“We come with deep expectations; We have received instructions from President Nicolás Maduro to insist in these first hours of the talks on the restitution of the economic guarantees that have been stolen from all the Venezuelan people.“Rodríguez told the state channel Venezuelan television (VTV).

The president also of the National Assembly (AN, Parliament) added that Venezuela has been “deeply” affected by “measures of blocking, theft, excessive respect for illegal” international sanctions.

The head of the Venezuelan regime's negotiating team in negotiations with the opposition, Jorge Rodríguez (Photo: EFE)
The head of the Venezuelan regime’s negotiating team in negotiations with the opposition, Jorge Rodríguez (Photo: EFE)

The Delegation yesterday received instructions from Maduro to present in this second cycle a “firm request” which includes “all economic requirements”, among which stands out the lifting of sanctions.

Therefore, Rodríguez explained that they will “focus” on “the men and women of the Venezuelan homeland”.

Also celebrated the decision of the majority of the Venezuelan opposition to attend the local and regional elections on November 21 in what he defined as his return “to the constitutional channel of the sectors which, until now, had maintained a situation of foreign action to tranquility and civility”.

The second round of dialogues with the opposition begins today (Photo: EFE)
The second round of dialogues with the opposition begins today (Photo: EFE)

“It is very promising that at this time they have decided to participate in the elections of mayors and governors on November 21 and I hope that this position will be maintained. It is reassuring for Venezuelans that those who encouraged violence, invasions and actions against the tranquility of the people are now reverting to what the Constitution establishes as rights for all ”, commented.

Finally, he explained that they aspire to have “Partial agreements” that can allow the parties to move forward and that “a sufficient level of confidence is generated to deepen these agreements”.

The negotiating team will be made up of the assistants Génésis Garvett, Diva Guzmán, Francisco Torrealba and Nicolás Maduro Guerra, this last son of the dictator Nicolás Maduro Moros. It is also made up of the ministers of Science and Technology, Gabriela Jiménez, and of Women, Margaud Godoy, as well as the communicator and tweeter William Castillo, and the lawyer Larry Devoe.

Message from Juan Guaido

Juan Guaidó, recorded a message shortly before the start of the new round of negotiations, and asked to be
Juan Guaidó, recorded a message shortly before the start of the new round of negotiations, and asked to be “united to fight for a national salvation agreement”.

The President in Charge and Leader of the Opposition of Venezuela, Juan Guaido, recorded a message shortly before the start of the new round of negotiations, and asked to be “united to fight for a national salvation accord” and “for free and fair elections”.

“Today begins the first round of negotiations with the support of the international community where our goal is to reach an agreement that resolves the conflict through free and fair presidential and parliamentary elections, with guarantees, as indicated in the agenda signed by the dictatorship and our delegation, ”began his message Guaidó.

We all know that today there are no conditions for a free and fair electoral process in Venezuela.. This is why we are in Mexico. We are fighting to achieve these conditions. We must and will take action to save Venezuela. In Mexico, with the international community; and in Venezuela, in our streets ”, continued the interim president of the Caribbean country.

Then he pointed out that “change and the reconquest of democracy is the cause that unites us all because our country needs it. We are together, fighting for the conditions of free and fair elections ”.

Unity is a cry of Venezuelans, it is the tool we have to face the dictatorship and we are constantly seeking to build and improve it.He remarked in the two and a half minute video.

And he concludes: “We are united to fight for a national salvation accord. We are united to fight for free and fair elections. We are united for the salvation of Venezuela. God bless you”.

(With information from EFE)

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The Chavista regime and the Venezuelan opposition meet again in Mexico with the challenge of making tangible progress
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