Venezuela: Nicolás Maduro says Donald Trump wants to kill him and military deserters conspire from Colombia – 30/01/2019


"Without a doubt, Donald Trump gave the order to kill me and he told the Colombian government and the Mafias of the Colombian oligarchy to kill me. "This was denounced Wednesday Nicolás Maduro, who added that the military deserters, turned into "mercenaries", conspire of Colombia divide the armed forces amid an attempted coup d'etat.

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"A group of military deserters have become mercenaries of the Colombian oligarchy and conspire from Colombia to divide the armed forces (…). (…) Monolithic unit!, Maximum moral! And where a mercenary traitor appears, justice! ", Is it exclaimed, without giving further details, to lead a march with 2,500 soldiers in a barracks in Caracas, the same day of a protest convened by the opposition, scheduled for Wednesday at midday.

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That Trump wants to kill him is an old Maduro complaint. Hugo Chávez also exclaimed that they wanted to kill him.

In a dialogue with the Russian Sputnik portal, Maduro warned that "if something happens to me one day, it would be Donald Trump and the president of Colombia, Iván Duque, the leaders ".

"In the meantime, I will continue to protect myself, we have good protection systems, good advice at the global level, and we also enjoy the greatest protection, the protection of our creator god it will give me a long life, "he said.

A plane from a Russian airline to the airport of Caracas. / Reuters

A plane from a Russian airline to the airport of Caracas. / Reuters

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In the interview with Sputnik, Maduro chose not to say whether he was protected by Russian private guards or not. "I can not say it", he said.

Maduro's statements fit into an increasingly tense context in Venezuela after protests against the government that caused, according to the UN, about 40 deaths and the self-appointed president responsible for the president of the country. National Assembly, Juan Guaidó.

Guaidó got the support of the United States that this Tuesday allowed the access and control of the Venezuelan state accounts, including those of the Central Bank. Washington has also frozen Venezuelan payments for Venezuelan crude imports. It is not known whether these funds will also be under the control of Guaidó.

The President of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela, Maikel Moreno./ AFP

The President of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela, Maikel Moreno./ AFP

In response, on Tuesday evening, the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), at the request of the Attorney General's Office, approved provisional measures against Guaidó, including the ban on leaving the country and the "alienating and aggravating property" and the "blocking and immobilization of bank accounts or any other financial instrument on Venezuelan territory" on his behalf.

In his interview with Russian media, Maduro said that it "would be good to hold early parliamentary elections" in his country. But he considered "blackmail" call presidential.

Today, the National Assembly is in the hands of the opposition and its main challenger.

"It would be a good form of political discussion and a good decision with a popular vote, I would support it if it had already been done, and if we had already had elections in the National Assembly", did he declare.

Nicolas Maduro./ Reuters

Nicolas Maduro./ Reuters

But he warned that "the presidential elections were held less than a year ago, 10 months ago, and were held in accordance with all constitutional and legal standards". He added, "This is an absurd trick for some countries obsessed with Donald Trump's politics." We return to neo-colonialism when a European capital, I mean Washington, can give orders to any country in Asia, Africa, Latin America or the Caribbean, basically to any country "But who does it belong to decide here? % voices." It was a legitimate victory; from a transparent electronic system, with international observation, we do not accept any ultimatum from anyone in the world, we do not accept blackmail. Venezuelan presidential elections have taken place and if the imperialists want new elections, they will have to wait until 2025, "he said.

The international community felt that the presidential elections in Venezuela were illegitimate and fraudulent, where opposition candidates had been banned or imprisoned.

"All these years," Maduro continued, "I was trying to contact him personally, I sent messages to Trump in public, through the media, to establish a relationship with the government." of the United States, despite the political, cultural and ideological differences between Donald Trump and Nicolas Maduro. "

Nicolás Maduro./ AFP

Nicolás Maduro./ AFP

He added: "And it seemed that the window of opportunity was opening for it, but (security advisor, John) Bolton prevented Donald Trump from engaging in a dialogue with Nicolás Maduro, I have information that he has banned it. "

"At this point, I think it's difficult, I'm ready to speak personally with Donald Trump, in public, in the United States, Venezuela, anywhere, on any of which agenda, on any subject that I would like to address, that if we meet in person, it will be a different story, but I think that they will not leave us any chance, let us be patient, for the moment, I think it's very difficult, "he said.

Trump, meanwhile, far from wanting to sit down and talk with Maduro, warned Americans to avoid Venezuela.

In a tweet posted in the early hours of Wednesday, Trump wrote that a "mbadive protest is scheduled for today". "Americans should not travel to Venezuela until new order"he added.

Source: ANSA and AP


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