Venezuela: prepares another Saturday's march against "the usurper" Nicolás Maduro


The Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido, he called it to new concentrations across the country for next Saturday 11 against the "dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro"The new day of protest will aim to to reject the "continuous coup d'etat" that the "usurper" chaveist executes against the National Assembly by ordering to prosecute 10 deputies for "treason against the fatherland" and depriving them of jurisdiction of Parliament by the Constituent Assembly with a majority of Chavez. "They want us out of the street, we are facing a regime that armed the paramilitaries, but that does not prevent us: we return to the street Saturday," said the president in charge.

In a strong speech, Guaidó condemned the "arbitrary and illegal" arrest of Edgar Zambrano, first vice-president of Parliamentexecuted Wednesday night by officials of the Bolivian National Intelligence Service (Sebin) in Caracas. "It is very serious that the first vice-speaker of Parliament in a crane is removed, at this level of absurdity that the regime has incurred, to repression at the moment to generate terror," he said. declared. Zambrano, 63, is the first inmate of the 10 deputies appointed by Chavismo to support the failed military rebellion of May 1st.

Three deputies took refuge in diplomatic offices to avoid being captured. Richard Blanco at the residence of the ambbadador of Argentina and in that of the ambbadador of Italy, Mariela Magallanes and Américo De Grazia. The latter announced Thursday his decision on Twitter: "I will not give the narco-dictatorship the pleasure of showing me as a trophy and to use me as a hostage."

The arrest of ally Guaidó puts the Venezuelan opposition to the test

Luis Florido and Freddy Superlano, two other members of Congress, denounced the presence of officials in front of the homes of their families in the states of Lara and Barinas (west). Florido made it clear that he was "safe". "If we can talk about a coup in Venezuela, here it is: the dismantling of Parliament," Guaidó reacted at a press conference in Caracas, accusing Maduro of having used "state terrorism" to stay in power.

"I am responsible for the Freedom operation and we will do it at all times. Why kidnap Edgar Zambrano then? When we are all Venezuelans, we want a change, "said Guaidó, which has not ruled out the possibility of being imprisoned. "If that happens, we will have a clear path that we will accelerate" to achieve "the end of the usurpation, the transitional government and the free elections," he said.

"We all have a risk, we know we are about to end the usurpation, we will not stop," warned the opposition, which also criticized the "continuous blow" against the Parliament by the Constituent Assembly that "the last two times he has sat, it is to lift the parliamentary immunity of our deputies".
"The red line and we crossed it a long time ago, but this red line also depends on the allies," he said, referring to other countries that consider the presidency of Maduro as illegitimate. "We will responsibly evaluate these actions with countries willing to collaborate in this way," he said.

Maduro's SEBIN took Juan Guaidó's second in his car with a crane

At the international level, beliefs are raining

The head of the American diplomacy, Mike Pompeo, demanded Thursday that the deputy be "released immediately". "This attack on the National Assembly" demonstrates "that the dictatorship is not interested in constitutional solutions" to the crisis, he said in a statement. For the European Union, detention has been "another flagrant violation of the Constitution" to "silence" the legislator.

The Lima group, American countries that criticize Maduro and including Argentina, rejected "the decision of the Constituent Assembly illegitimate to arbitrarily search parliamentary immunity of deputies". Jair Bolsonaro, president of Brazil and a member of this alliance, described Zambrano's capture as "illegal". Prior to the judicial offensive, in Washington, the Organization of American States (OAS) convened an extraordinary meeting on Friday. "The governments that sympathize with the putschists become the accomplices of the uprising," said Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza.

The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, carried out the detention "illegal and arbitrary" and also denounced the arrest of the rest of the "political prisoners" by the "dictatorship". "Brazil strongly condemns the unlawful and arbitrary imprisonment of the Vice President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Edgar Zambrano, ally of President @jguaido, as well as that of all other political prisoners for the mature dictatorship", wrote Twitter.

The ghosts of a Colombian "military escalation" harbad Maduro



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