Venezuela rejected the elections' ultimatum given by Europe: "Go long into hell! – 26/01/2019


Venezuela rejected the ultimatum issued by several European countries to hold elections in eight days, without which they could not ensure the recognition of the opposition Juan Guaidó as interim president. He did it in Caracas and also at the UN, with fiery speeches.

Diosdado Cabello, number 2 of Chavismo, has left aside any kind of diplomacy in speaking. "There, in the European Union, we are given eight days Go to hell, that Venezuelans, no one gives us orders!", he launched.

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Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza was a little less enthusiastic and said he understood "satellite governments" are bowing to the US decision to declare President Nicolás Maduro illegitimate.

"But Europe? Put in the tail of the United States? Not so much the United States, the government of Donald Trump? Europe gives us eight days of what? Where do you have power for a sovereign people? give deadlines or ultimatums? Where do you think of such interventionist action and I would even say childish?"Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza asked at a special session of the Security Council on Venezuela.

The Chancellor of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza, to the UN. (AFP)

The Chancellor of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza, to the UN. (AFP)

"Nobody is going to give us deadlines, nor will they tell us if elections are being held or not"in Venezuela," said Arreaza, who, during his long speech, repeatedly agitated the United Nations Charter on the one hand and a miniature edition of the Bolivarian Constitution of the other.

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"Devote yourselves to your business, respect the self-determination of the peoples," Chavez's official said with the watchful eye of Vasily Nebenzya, Russia's ambbadador to the United Nations.

The Foreign Minister said that for months, the United States planned a coup d'etat "cheeky"in Venezuela, although he reiterated the willingness of the Nicolás Maduro government to dialogue with Washington.

Jorge Arreaza meets with Vasily Nebenzya, Russian Ambbadador to the United Nations. (Bloomberg)

Jorge Arreaza meets with Vasily Nebenzya, Russian Ambbadador to the United Nations. (Bloomberg)

"The Bolivarian national armed forces defend this Constitution with their lives," he said. Americans "They could not convince our military to overthrow President Maduro. They can not either"

In his own way, he asked for dialogue: "Our intention to dialogue with President Trump is always open, they have always responded with blockades, sanctions, insults, interventions, but he remains open to dialogue and to treat us as civilized ".

The Venezuelan Foreign Minister traveled to Spain, France and Germany, giving an ultimatum and asking Maduro to call elections in eight days.

"If, within a period of eight days, no call for free and transparent elections is launched, Spain will recognize Mr. Guaidó as president," said Spanish President Pedro Sánchez. In the European Union, it has been agreed to follow this course of action, which Venezuela is now rejecting.

For his part, Juan Guaidó, self-proclaimed President of Venezuela, thanked the European Union for his action. "Europe's response has been strong and very productive for Venezuela."

The President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó (EFE)

The President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó (EFE)

"This leaves a margin of time to the leaders, civil and military, who want to take the plunge to stop the usurpation, the transitional government and free elections, this is the goal," said the chief. of opposition in a Caracas Act.


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