Venezuela rejected with insult the ultimatum of the European Union: "Long time in hell!"


The diplomatic courtesy of the United Nations (UN) suffered a setback today after the European Union asked Nicolás Maduro's government to call elections in the next eight days in order to avoid recognizing the so-called Juan Guaidó.

The number two of the Chavista leadership, Diosdado Cabello, came to answer the Europeans with an insult that is already around the world. "There, in the European Union, we are given eight days Go long in hell, that Venezuelans no one gives us orders! "

Cabello has one of the most influential voices within the ruling party: it's the first name that has come to succeed Hugo Chávez, having been one of the most powerful ministers of his administration. He is currently president of Parliament, which recognizes executive power.

Last night, Maduro himself responded to the previous statements of the Spanish Chancellor Josep Borrell in this direction. "If you want elections, do it in Spain," he said.

Venezuela is plunged into an unprecedented crisis: Tuesday, the head of the opposition parliament, Guaidó, has self-proclaimed in a public space, during a mbadive demonstration against Chavez.

His legitimacy as Venezuelan President was quickly recognized by the United States, which resulted in a long list of American countries that they gave the endorsement to Guaidó.

It's not just about diplomatic declarations: to recognize as head of the executive the leader of the opposition, all embbadies, bilateral pacts and relations commercial of Venezuela with the rest of the countries, they are truncated.

Chancellor Jorge Arreaza tried to be a diplomat, but Cabello's language was dropped.
Chancellor Jorge Arreaza tried to be a diplomat, but Cabello's language was dropped.

However, in the interior of the Caribbean country Nicolás Maduro he retains a lot of power: the armed forces, the migrations and almost all the diplomats answer him.

In this context, the United Nations Conference held this Saturday was of vital importance in defining the position that the countries of the European Union would adopt.

In a consensual pronunciation, the EU asked Nicolás Maduro to convene an election in the eight days following the commission, which dedicated the chavista to the presidency, was very much legitimized by the low number of voters and the large number of imprisoned opposition leaders who could not show up.

However, Maduro has already made it clear that he "will never give up" to his position and in much nicer terms than Cabello explained to his Chancellor in responding to Europeans at the UN.

Diosdado Cabello, head of the parliament in power, insulted the European Union.
Diosdado Cabello, head of the parliament in power, insulted the European Union.

Jorge Arreaza said in the international organization that he understood that there are "satellite governments" that will comply with the US decision to declare President Nicolás Maduro illegitimate.

"But Europe? Put in the tail of the United States? Not so much the United States, the government of Donald Trump? Europe gives us eight days of what? Where do you have power for a sovereign people? give time or ultimatums, where do you think such interventionist action and I would even say pueril? ", concluded the Chancellor.


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