Venezuela seeks to emerge from the emergency | Mature Anu …


Page12 in Venezuela

From Caracas

Nicolás Maduro announced a special thirty day electricity plan, "a special regime of charges administration that will balance the national electricity system". He said Sunday night, after a week marked by successive power outages that have put a large part of the population in a difficult situation to solve the daily problems, especially that of water. And yesterday, the president described the situation as a serious emergency.

"This plan will put a special emphasis on the need not to affect the energy needed to ensure the supply of drinking water," he said in a statement. He also stated that school activities would continue to be suspended until today and that working days would last up to 14 hours in public and private institutions. Maduro has appointed Igor Gavidia León as the new energy minister, replacing retired general Luis Motta Domínguez.

Minister of Communication Jorge Rodríguez said the government was facing "several attacks against the power system", which caused "considerable damage to the transmission park of the Simón Bolívar hydroelectric plant in El Guri". the network of transmission lines, as well as in the connection and automation processes of the machines generating the production process and in the distribution of the electric current. "The picture is complex and the answers will not be immediate.

The predominant images of Sunday and yesterday were people and people with water bottles looking for how to fill them. In the shops selling water, loads (where they fill the barrels), springs located at the foot of the hill that borders the Caracas Valley, upstream – many people were going to bathe – from the water. improvised water in tunnels, urbanizations, broken pipes to solve. The fight for water was permanent, the capacity of the government tank operations could not cope with the demand. Yesterday afternoon, the water supply was gradually restored in several parts of the capital and its surroundings.

The capital, as well as several parts of the country, has been converted into a scenario of individual, family and collective efforts to meet water and transportation needs. The Caracas mayor's government allowed special routes because of the difficulty of mobility due to lack of metro, and organized operational marches of groups of motorized chavists to take people home.

In this context, the demonstrations were recorded Sunday afternoon and yesterday. Some have been promoted by the opposition to prevent, for example, the pbadage of government-issued tankers and create greater difficulty in capitalizing it politically through violent scenarios. This is a method used in other occasions, such as in 2017 and especially in 2016, where the tactic was to generate pockets of protest around the Miraflores Palace without baduming responsibility, thus creating an attempt of popular uprising. oversized by work in social networks.

Others were rather a spontaneous response to the actual difficulty situation caused by prolonged lack of water which, unlike the light, has not returned to many areas in recent days. Every day without water results in more difficulties.

Guaidó for its part maintained the version according to which the power outages would be the product of the corruption, of a fire caused by a lack of maintenance and the incapacity to solve it organized by "block, sector, neighborhood", and condemned a conclusion that lies mainly in: the order of desire and propaganda: "The myth is over, legend has it that the popular sectors once supported it".

He ratified his call for mobilization on April 6, entitled "Simulation of Operation Freedom", an action that so far has not said what it will be, but has announced the creation of "commandos of help and freedom". He also asked the Bolivarian national armed forces to stand by his side and claimed that the arrival of US Marines was a possibility.

Yesterday, was also heard the decision of the entire Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, which decided to ratify the ban on leaving the country without authorization until the opening of the investigation opened on January 29 , which puts an end to the prohibition of alienating and encumbering the property of his property. , the blocking and immobilization of bank accounts or any other financial instrument on Venezuelan territory (see separately). The Chamber also imposed a fine of 200 tax units for contempt of the Exit Order and ordered that a certified copy of the decision be sent to the President of the ANC "for the purpose of acquiescence parliamentary immunity as an "AN".

There are then many times at the same time that live in Venezuela. Those who mark the daily routine of material difficulties and the search for their resolution, those who have to do with Guaidó's attempts to resume a political initiative that is collapsing, those of the government to give answers to each of the plans, more urgent documents, as well as the ever-present threat of opposition aggression. And behind, or as Chancellor Jorge Arreaza said, he left: the United States.

The daily routine thus looks like a tight rope, very tight, which does not seem to break.


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