Venezuela sends oxygen tubes to the state of Amazon …


The crisis due to the shortage of oxygen tubes in Amazonas hospitals has caused the deaths of 51 people. Despite the zero diplomatic relations between neighboring countries, The Brazilian state received support from the Venezuelan government, which sent some 136,000 cubic meters of oxygen (five trucks each loaded with about 25,000 cubic meters of oxygen) which arrived in the capital of Amazonas., Manaus. According to the secretary of state for health from Amazonas, Marcellus Campêlo, “We are always rebalancing the network, and (the load) will help a lot in the balance, especially at this time when we have an increase in cases inside.”

Brazil, the second country with the most coronavirus deaths after the United States, is going through the second wave of the pandemic which is already killing more than 211,000 and some 8.5 million infected. However, in the midst of the health crisis in the northern state, President Jair Bolsonaro has come to say that the death of the elderly and those with chronic diseases “is the law of life”. Bolsonaro also did not maintain good relations with his Venezuelan counterpart, he ordered the withdrawal of diplomatic personnel in Venezuela last year. On the website of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the section of bilateral relations between Brazil and Venezuela has been empty since November 25, 2020.

Meanwhile, last week after learning of the crisis in Amazonas state, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and his foreign minister, Jorge Arreaza, contacted authorities in Amazonas state to take action. oxygen available to alleviate the health crisis. across the state.
Regarding the sending of oxygen tanks from the neighboring country, Bolsonaro has only joked about it and called people who praised the Venezuelan president’s help as “idiots.”

In the Amazon region alone, 6,450 people have already died and nearly 233,971 cases of covid-19 have been confirmed. The hospital crisis has already forced the transfer of patients, including 60 premature babies, to other Brazilian states. It also led to some desperate scenes. People who died directly at home and without the necessary medical help due to lack of space in hospitals. Burials peak in the city of Manaus, which has the highest number of deaths from the Amazon coronavirus.

According to regional government data, Due to the high number of coronavirus hospital patients, daily oxygen consumption has increased to 76,000 cubic meters per day, three times more than what was recorded when the city of Manaus also went through a health crisis during the first wave of the pandemic in March 2020. After learning about the critical situation in the state of Amazonas, a series of cacerolazos were carried out in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and São Paulo against President Jair Bolsonaro, who will soon be celebrating a year of skepticism about the pandemic. .


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