Venezuela: Tension in the celebrations of the day of …


Page12 in Venezuela

From Caracas

Voltage, minute by minute, statements, networks, the day of May 1 was experienced as a continuity of day 30. The right had announced that this date would be the beginning of the definitive moment of "freedom of operation", phase which finally advanced to dawn on Tuesday with images that went around the world. For the first, Guaidó announced that the mobilization would be from several points of concentration. The question was: what would they try to cope with the need to keep the bet after the failed coup d'état?

The day was calmly presented. Guaidó spoke in the afternoon and, as he was accustomed to in his speeches, he spoke of the need not to lose the street, to remain mobilized, as well as the plan to launch a staggered strike until the end of the day. at the general strike. His supporters were waiting for a radicalism that was not. The roadmap that follows his speech was broadcast, especially because it is not the first time that he announces a strike that does not take place, and because, that is the reason, his social base active does not have its strength in the workers. .

The activities on the right took place in several places simultaneously. The epicenter was again Altamira, with a greater presence than yesterday. Confrontation episodes have occurred under the scenario programmed by the right, which must maintain tension levels to generate images and information.

The opposition did not deploy more actions in the afternoon. Leopoldo López for his part kept the silence of the embbady of Spain. In the act of Guaidó, we heard about the situation of the fugitive leader of Voluntad Popular (VP), the party to which Guaidó belongs, who is at the forefront of the coup d'etat with Primero Justicia, the party of Capriles. Radonski and Julio Borges. Guaidó did not give an answer about López, an important element of the local strategy of the badault plan.

The international executive also presented moves: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov to discuss the Venezuelan issue (see page 4), and the Acting Secretary of Defense of the United States. United has canceled his trip to Venezuela. Europe because of the crisis in Venezuela. President Donald Trump yesterday threatened a complete blockade of Cuba if the island does not "withdraw its troops and militias". Regarding the special correspondent for the Venezuelan question, Elliot Abrams said that the Chavistas with whom he had negotiated "extinguished their mobile phone", in accordance with the statements of National Security Councilor John Bolton, who claimed on Tuesday that several senior level executives had already been bent to their plan, but ultimately had not arrived at the facts.

May Day was also a day of Chavez mobilization. As every year, the march was great, as part of a new demonstration, as yesterday and since early January, the capacity of the movement Chaviste on the street. The last act took place near the Miraflores Palace, where several leaders took the floor, as well as Maduro.

In this context, Maduro spoke about the current situation of attack by the United States. and his allies, and appealed in case the power would attempt to win the coup: "Throw all local supply and production committees, communal councils, Bolivarian militias, units in the streets of battle Hugo Chávez, people in the street, do not doubt a second ". At the same time, he announced that there would be days of dialogue, action and proposals on the weekend of 4 and 5 May with the various structures of popular power, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela and the governors. The goal: tell Maduro what to change, develop a rectification plan.

The first of May has ended on a tranquility of surface and many questions. What are the next steps in the reversal attempt? What was the goal of 30? Was it a test balloon to measure the forces? An action has actually failed? A leadership replacement for Leopoldo López to enter the game? The next few days, weeks, will give more answers to questions. The agenda of the coup d'etat does not stop, the North American plan which aims for a rapid result continues, works at all levels, seeks internal breaks that manifest themselves on the day of the coup. events. In this sense, the most important of the 30th day seems to have been that of the former director of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service.

Venezuela persists in the unstable equilibrium, the Chavismo badaults, the inability of the coup strategy to achieve the desired results, as the economic situation deteriorates and destabilization operations take place. The situation seems far from having a point of close resolution.


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