Venezuela: the arrival of humanitarian aid tests the loyalty of the army towards Nicolás Maduro – 05/02/2019


After the extraordinary success of Juan Guaidó, the self-proclaimed interim president of Venezuela, to obtain Europe's support for the regime change process, the next front of the badault on power will pbad the arrival of American humanitarian aid

In a logistics operation designed by the Donald Trump administration, a convoy of trucks full of food and medicine will arrive in the coming days at the Colombian border town of Cúcuta. Another convoy will then head to the Brazilian border where it will attempt to enter by municipality of Paracaima, in the middle of the square mountains of Gran Sabana.

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Provided by the Usaid development aid agencyimportant element of US foreign policy in Latin America during the Cold War, aid has a strong symbolic burden. Packed in boxes stamped with the flag of stars and stripes, its main objective, according to Trump and Guaidó administration, is: foment a rebellion in the armed forces Venezuelan

"The military and police chiefs in Venezuela now they have to decide "They want to help food and medicine reach the city, or they help Maduro," Republican Florida senator, Cuban-American Marco Rubio, said on Twitter. designers of the operation.

Nurses and health workers take part in Caracas / EFE File demonstration

Nurses and health workers take part in Caracas / EFE File demonstration

Guaidó repeated the same message to the junior officers of the armed forces who, according to the opposition, suffer from the same shortages and feel betrayed by a supposedly corrupt military command. Almost all the 2,000 generals of the armed forces have shown, so far, absolute loyalty to Chavez.

Maduro attacked the European countries that recognized Guaidó. He described the Spanish government's president Pedro Sánchez as a "puppet" in the service of Donald Trump. If there is a military coup or an American military intervention "the hands (of Sanchez) will be covered with blood like those of José María Aznar (…) during the war in Iraq," he declared. in a speech delivered Monday in front of a division. military

Empty gondolas in a Caracas supermarket / EFE file

Empty gondolas in a Caracas supermarket / EFE file

Referring to the US plan for sending humanitarian aid, Maduro said: "Venezuela can not make a false proposal for humanitarian aid (…) We are not beggars!" During a meeting of the Lima group (mainly Latin American countries that support Guaidó) in Ottawa this weekend, Canada announced support for $ 53 million for Venezuelans.

The project of using US humanitarian aid as a lever to spark rebellion in the armed forces is not dangerous. The collaboration of NGOs such as Cáritas and the Red Cross will be necessary. Dominik Stillhart, of the International Committee of the Red Cross, warned Monday that it was difficult to provide humanitarian aid without the authorization of the Maduro government.

Pensioners protest in front of a bank in Caracas. / EFE file

Pensioners protest in front of a bank in Caracas. / EFE file

"For the moment, what is the humanitarian aid a series of rumors and statements; We have not received any letter asking for our collaboration, "said a Red Cross director consulted in Caracas." In any such crisis, the Red Cross must be impartial, "he said. added.

The serious crisis of food shortages, and more importantly, drugs, is the great badet of Guaidó in his pulse with Maduro. Guaidó said Saturday that 300,000 people are at risk of dying in Venezuela and that they should be those who receive US aid.

The Maduro regime does not recognize the existence of a humanitarian crisis long documented by the media.

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If a military rebellion against Maduro can not be fomented, the strategy of causing a rapid change of regime will fall on the ear of a deaf person. Only the oil embargo will remain this, by causing the drastic intensification of the crisis of scarcity, will provoke a humanitarian crisis that no one will be able to question and could cause such discomfort that even the Chavist neighborhoods would rise up against Maduro. But that would be a long dying process.

According to Torino Capital's calculations in New York, the embargo will force a 40% drop in oil exports, depriving Venezuela of income to import essential goods.

With these sanctions, the American message -And now, Europe- in Venezuela is "Change of diet or hunger dies"said Jeffrey Sachs, an economist at Columbia University, in the New York Times.


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