Venezuela: The former Attorney General has released images of the corpse of Oscar Pérez and claimed that he had been executed by Maduro


The former police officer was revealed against the government of Nicolás Maduro Source: archive

The Attorney General of


Luisa Ortega Díaz, exiled since August 2017,
He broadcast strong images of the corpse of Oscar Pérez, the ex-policeman murdered by the Chavez regime early last year, when he had asked for pardon.

"I will send in the coming days to the International Criminal Court the photographs of the victims of the mbadacre of Del Junquito and the place of the incident, leaving no doubt about the fact that what happened with Óscar Pérez and his group is a crime against humanity, "said the first of the three messages, accompanied by photos in the foreground of Perez's body.

In the next
message sent on Twitter Yesterday afternoon, Ortega Díaz added: "This record of more than 300 photos will be accompanied by a forensic report certifying the execution of this group of Venezuelans by officials and paramilitaries who serve tyranny victims before this publication ".

"We also have strong evidence that both community members who died during the event were killed by their FAES (Special Action Force) comrades, who executed the mbadacre on the planet. 39, order of

Nicolás Maduro "


The operation in which Pérez is dead

They were officers of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) charged with executing the order to attack the place where Perez was with his group mates with the help of spear -grenades.

At that time, a series of videos posted on social networks showed how the authorities used these portable weapons. Rocío San Miguel, president of Control Ciudadano, had warned that it was an RPG-7 anti-gas grenade launcher of Russian origin. The sounds of the shots were clearly heard in the recorded footage, which summarizes the violence unleashed in the town of El Junquito, a mountainous region near Caracas.

Perez had earned the title of most wanted by the authorities of Venezuela and had spent six months to take up arms against Maduro until his death.

Leading a group called himself "warriors of God", Perez is surrounded by military commandos and broadcasts several videos of the drama of his last mission, in which he appears wounded, his face bloodied, making desperate calls for surrender .

"They do not want us to surrender, they want to kill us," Pérez said in one of the videos.

According to the Ministry of the Interior, the security forces were attacked during the surrender negotiations, so that the fire did not stop. The operation resulted in two deaths and five injuries among the police, while the rebels and five detainees claimed several lives.

With information from the Reuters agency


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