Venezuela: the military officer at the head of Maduro's intelligence services called for elections


General Manuel Ricardo Cristopher Figuera said that the Bolivarian is manipulated by people who lie to him Source: AFP

MADRID (DPA) .- The former director of the
Bolivian National Intelligence Service (Sebin), the political police of the
Chavismo commanded by the army and charged with the arrest of the opponents, he broke the silence after being separated from his post and badured that he had sent a letter to the Bolivarian

Nicolás Maduro

in which he asked her to call elections


General Manuel Ricardo Cristopher Figuera said, as published by the newspaper
El Nacional: "I proposed to Maduro, evoking the history of our homeland, to promote, through the Constituent Assembly, a new Electoral Council and, as a result, to to call new elections, which I did in a two-page document. " He also indicated that the successor to

Hugo Chavez

is "manipulated by various power groups who lie to him".

Figuera left his post after the uprising that led on Tuesday the leader of the opposition and the president in charge,

Juan Guaidó,

and the former mayor and political prisoner released by military deserters

Leopoldo López,

who called on Venezuelans to take to the streets to begin the last phase of the Libertad operation, which aims to get Maduro out of the Miraflores Palace.

"There are those who have dared to call me traitor or sold, because I tell them that they know me very little, because I have a keen sense of loyalty that I have. I have sworn to my homeland and its institutions, the homeland which is a party of scoundrels and rogues they plunder and their institutions, with the exception of the FANB ", he declared in a document published after his departure.

He also noted that many of those who were around Maduro "are part of a cooperative, a society of accomplices", like Diosdado Cabello, and that he is willing to submit to justice as long as he can count on the conditions necessary for his survival. fair process.


On the same Tuesday, when López and Guaidó called for mbad demonstrations and asked the armed forces agents who are still loyal to Maduro to join the opposition, the Bolivarian announced the appointment of Gustavo González López to the head of Sebin Figuera, who had decided to leave the ranks of Chavez.

This was not the only change that he should have made. He also put General Elio Estrada at the head of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB), several members having announced their support for the interim president. Estrada was leading the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) in the capital's district of Caracas, one of the government's arms in the crackdown on opposition protests.

On April 30, Guaidó announced the beginning of the end of the Libertad operation aimed at overthrowing Maduro, ensuring he had the support of an "important group" of military personnel. However, the Venezuelan president has described the events as "coup d'etat" and says that he has already been beaten.


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