Venezuela: The revelation of chavismo that puts Guaidó in check


Nicolás Maduro's government began its counter-offensive with a strong denunciation of Guaidó.

January 26, 2019

Venezuelan Minister of Communication and Information, Jorge Rodriguez, denounced last Friday that self-proclaimed Vice President of the opposition, Juan Guaidó, had spoken with deputy. important leaders of Chavez.

According to information published by Telesur, Rodríguez reportedly stated that Guaidó met with the president of the National Constituent Assembly, the Chavisist leader Diosdao Cabello, on 22 January in Caracas, and revealed his maneuvers to name himself president.

The minister denied Guaidó, who denied the meeting, and gave pictures of the meeting where he saw a hooded person who would be the leader of the opposition. "This man told Diosdado (Cabello) and (Freddy) Bernal that he did not find what to do, that he could not stand the pressure of the gringos, that he could not stand the pressure from Leopoldo López, Desmiéntame! ", he revealed.

Rodríguez pointed out that if Guaidó did not agree that he would maintain this meeting, he would present new evidence, including the audio of the conversation. "

"Here it is shown that they can not bear even a lie, a montage they've made to try to deceive the Venezuelan people and the international public opinion," he said. he declares.

And he insisted: "All this operation that they have mounted false positives, psychological warfare, invisibility is only an immense lie".

For its part, Cabello also pointed out that he was not afraid to expose the audio of the meeting that he had had with Guaidó.

"If Guiadó continues to insist that we do not speak, I withdraw what we are talking about (…) What he said there (at the meeting) does not dare to say it to some people in the opposition, "he said.


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