Venezuela: US aircraft landed with humanitarian aid at the border with Colombia


Military aircraft departed Homestead Air Base in South Miami and landed at Camilo Daza International Airport in Cucuta. border with Venezuela.

Director of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Mark Green; the ambbadador of Colombia to Washington, Francisco Santosand Lester Toledo, representative of the humanitarian badistance of the Speaker of Parliament and the Acting President of Venezuela, Juan Guaidóthey waited for the planes at the airport.

The Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Western Affairs Office of the State Department's Western Hemisphere was also on the trail. Julie Chung; the head of the OAS mission to Colombia, Roberto Menéndezand the director of the National Disaster Risk Management Unit (UNGRD), Eduardo José González.

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"The help they received was at the request of Juan Guaidó, in coordination with Colombia," Green said at a press conference that he had given on the runway of Cuzco Airport.

The Usaid official said the food, hygiene kits and drugs arriving in Cucuta do not come only from the United States. "but also many countries that participate in this help".

Cúcuta, along with Curaçao and the Brazilian state of Roraima, are the collection points for humanitarian aid, whose entry to Venezuela will take place on February 23 according to Guaidó announced last Tuesday, although there is no certainty as to how this income will be developed.

Asked by reporters on this point, in the face of Nicolás Maduro's government's rejection of humanitarian aid, Lester Toledo refused to give details of the operation, but said: "What's going on, is happening."


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