Venezuela will not receive free vaccines from the Covax system because Chavismo has not updated economic data since 2014


Illustrative archive photo of Venezuelan migrants crossing the border between their country and Colombia in San Cristobal (Photo: REUTERS / Carlos Eduardo Ramirez)
Illustrative archive photo of Venezuelan migrants crossing the border between their country and Colombia in San Cristobal (Photo: REUTERS / Carlos Eduardo Ramirez)

the Maduro’s regime has not updated economic data since 2014 and appears in reports as a high-income country, when reality is the opposite of what Chavismo is trying to make up. For this reason, Venezuela is excluded from the list of countries that receive the vaccine for free through the Covax system.

The figures provided by Chavismo on the progression of the coronavirus are unreliable. The opposition denounces that the real data is hidden and that COVID-19 has struck a population stricken by hunger, misery and state violence for many years.

For the various multilateral organizations, Venezuela is an upper middle income country. In 2014, the Maduro regime reported a per capita income of $ 13,080, reported The country from Spain.

The Covax system offers two routes of access to vaccines: self-financed, for developing countries which can finance the doses they receive; or subsidized, for poor countries that need help to vaccinate their population. Venezuela would ask for the latter, as nearly 80% of its population lives in extreme poverty.

Being excluded from the list of countries that receive a free vaccine is very bad news for the Caribbean country. This is what various Venezuelan organizations denounce. And given the lack of access to vaccines whose effectiveness has been proven, Chavismo turns to the Cuban regime.

A group of people are participating in a demonstration today to demand vaccines against Covid-19, in Caracas (Photo: EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez)
A group of people are participating in a demonstration today to demand vaccines against Covid-19, in Caracas (Photo: EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez)

Researchers from the Venezuelan State Scientific Center IVIC warned against the use of the Abdala vaccine, which is produced in Cuba and whose inoculation started in an area of ​​Caracas, because they say that clinical trials are not yet completed and it does not have the authorization of global regulators.

Maduro’s regime on Sunday began applying the vaccine to residents of buildings located in the main military complex in Caracas, a few days after receiving the first batch of the Cuban product.

For a vaccine candidate to be considered a vaccine, it is important to ensure and adhere to the clinical evaluation phases of any and that these studies be published in peer-reviewed journals approved by a regulatory body, ”said the Association of Researchers of the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC).

In these circumstances, “we consider that the organic Abdala is still a candidate vaccination and therefore, its administration must be carried out under the modality of test clinical in our country, with the informed consent volunteers, ”he added.

Scientists have said that Approval from Cuban regulatory agency Cecmed and the World Health Organization (WHO) is required.

A woman with an umbrella awaits her first dose of Russian vaccine Sputnik V (Photo: REUTERS / Leonardo Fernandez Viloria)
A woman with an umbrella awaits her first dose of Russian vaccine Sputnik V (Photo: REUTERS / Leonardo Fernandez Viloria)

The researchers asked “urgently“Accelerate vaccination against the coronavirus in Venezuela, with doses”of recognized effectiveness and endorsed by international agencies”.

On the other hand, the NGO Médicos Unidos de Venezuela (MUV) is one of the organizations that questioned the figures that daily offers the Maduro diet in its concise reports on Twitter.

In front of this situation, the organization used one of the classic Chavismo slogans to point out that “the death of health workers” in Venezuela is “at the pace of the winners” and “without a control strategy”.

June 16 marked one year since the death of the first COVID-19 health worker in Venezuela, Samuel Viloria, a doctor from Zulia who, according to complaints from his colleagues, should not have been in the first line of care for the pandemic since he was undergoing treatment for a kidney transplant.

Since then, they have denounced that they do not have sufficient protective equipment and that some still do not receive vaccines. Venezuela, with 28 million inhabitants, has received 3.5 million Russian and Chinese vaccines since February, and the vaccination plan was slow and confusing, according to specialists.

(With information from EFE and Reuters)


Cuba reported that Abdala coronavirus vaccine reached 92% efficacy in clinical trials with three doses
Opposition denounced Maduro’s regime forcing Venezuelans to use Cuban vaccine without WHO approval

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