Venezuelan Embassy: the moment when the municipal police shoot at a man in the ear


In the middle of the tense situation in front of the Venezuelan Embbady in Argentina, a thunderclap from the city was fired on the protesters.

April 30, 2019

A captured television mobile the moment a city policeman fired on a protester in the ear and fired at close range against others, as part of the parades in front of the Venezuelan Embbady in Argentina.

The strength of the driving force Horacio Rodríguez Larreta He unleashed his paint gun several times directly against some of the protesters and one of the projectiles struck the ear of a man, who was lying on the floor for several minutes, with bleeding wounds.

The policeman fired point blank against other people who tried to help the wounded and who eventually attacked the crate in front of his outpost.

The incident took place at the Venezuelan diplomatic headquarters in Palermo, Luis María Campos Street, where defenders and detractors of Chavismo met.

After the broadcast of the images, the Deputy Head of Government and (at the same time) the Minister of Justice and Security of Buenos Aires, Diego Santilli, who was in the TN study, tried to distract from the violent and directed fact against those who marched.

READ MORE: Macri approved the coup in Venezuela on Twitter


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