Venezuelan justice ordered the immediate arrest of the opposition Leopoldo López


A Venezuelan court ordered Thursday the arrest of the opposition Leopoldo López, who has taken refuge at the Embbady of Spain After being released from house arrest by soldiers who rebelled against the government, reported the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ).

"The court, in its decision, issued a warrant of arrest against the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin)) against the citizen Leopoldo López ", indicates a statement of the TSJ, accused by the opposition to serve the socialist president Nicolás Maduro.

The ordered sentence confine the leader in the military prison of Ramo Verdein the suburbs of Caracas, where he served most of his sentence of almost 14 years imprisonment for "inciting violence" during protests against Maduro, which killed 43 people in 2014.

The decision of a court in Caracas guarantees that Lopez, emblematic figure of the opposition, has "blatantly violated" the house arrest measure that he received in August 2017 and the ban on making political statements.

They raided and destroyed the house of opposition leader Leopoldo López in Caracas

The opposition said Tuesday it was released by soldiers who had organized a brief uprising against Maduro, led by his colleague Juan Guaidó, recognized as interim president of Venezuela by fifty countries.

Then he appeared with Guaidó and the rebels in uniform at La Carlota Air Base in Caracas, then left on an adjacent road. A few hours later, Lopez fled to the Spanish embbady in Caracas with part of his family, while 25 insurgents sought asylum in Brazil.

Venezuela discloses video of Leopoldo López to rumors of his death

Wednesday, Lilian Tintori, wife of Lopez, denounced the fact that his house was located in a wealthy neighborhood of Caracas. Police action took place Tuesday night, according to Tintori. "They entered our home, as delinquents, without a search warrant and without our presence, they destroyed the house and stole our belongings," said the activist on Twitter.

"We do not know what the intention was. They already knew that neither Leopoldo, nor me, nor my children were "Tintori added, which has released photographs of a damaged fence, as well as books, documents and furniture resting on the ground.



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