Venezuelan police officers cry while preventing the passage of humanitarian aid to Venezuela


The human shield of Bolivarian police he could not contain the firmness before the emotional demand of a journalist which was instead covering the conflict.

The women's group was at the border for obstruct transport traffic sent by other countries to help people who stayed on the side of Venezuela

In the video, you can see how the journalist from CNN Ask them to reconsider and pbad on humanitarian aid. "Think about your families, your children, in each member of his family who they do not receive drugs or food and they are here today like you, "said the man listened to, accompanied by other people who ask them the same thing.

Bolivarian police are crying at the Venezuelan border. (Photo: CNÑ video)
Bolivarian police are crying at the Venezuelan border. (Photo: CNÑ video)

"You boys they are part of the story, we are one, Venezuela is one. Stand on the side of historywe ask it in the name of the Lord. Do it for your children, for all Children who die in hospitals, "asks the reporter as the camera takes on the face of one of the women we can see crying with every word she hears.

However, as ordered none moved from his positionnor allowed the necessary help to Venezuela to pbad.

The video was published in Twitter by a Venezuelan journalist called Nelson Bocaranda and quickly, people began to comment on the difficult situation in which these police officers find themselves.

"The girl is crying, alone they know the pressure they exert on their shoulders. May God help you make the right decision in the name of Jesus Christ. Come with Venezuela. Forget this diet of pain. It's time to unite, "wrote a customer.

For the moment, the violence at each of the border points denies and prevents the pbadage of Community aid. Only one truck could enter Venezuelan territory and opposition sources say three of them were burnt by members of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB).


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