Venezuelan regime detained Javier Tarazona: “This is how Maduro acts against those who denounce his atrocities”


The time of arrest
The time of arrest

Venezuelan activist Javier Tarazona, director of the NGO Fundaredes, was arrested on Friday by agents of the Nicolás Maduro regime in the town of Coro, in the state of Falcón, with his brother Rafael Tarazona and human rights defenders Omar de Dios García and Jhonny Romero.

Clara Ramírez, lawyer for Fundaredes, denounced that the detention was arbitrary and took place when they left the prosecutor’s office in Coro after exposing the harassment with gunmen that their work team had suffered in that town over the past few hours.

Through social networks, Ramírez explained that, When they boarded their vehicles to leave the area of ​​the public prosecutor’s office, they were intercepted by agents of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (SEBIN). Yes transferred to SEBIN headquarters in Punto Fijo, where they are still being held incommunicado. “It’s an enforced disappearance. We demand that integrity and life be respected, ”said the lawyer.

The complaint of Clara Ramírez, lawyer of Fundaredes, concerning the arrest of Tarazona

“This is how Maduro acts against those who denounce his atrocities against the population. Maduro and his criminal guerrilla allies thus accuse Fundaredes and its director Javier Tarazona, who revealed the handover of our territory to the FARC and the ELN ”, He repudiated former Venezuelan political prisoner Alfredo Ramos in a Twitter message with the hashtag #LiberenAJavierTarazona.

And he added that Tarazona and his team “were Harassed by armed thugs of the dictatorship for the complaints they have formulated about the presence in various states of the country of criminal groups of the FARC and the ELN with the complicity and society of the regime ”.

The organization Provea also condemned the arrest of the four activists in Falcón. “We demand his immediate release”, he warned on social networks.

FILE PHOTO: Tarazona at a press conference outside the Venezuelan prosecution service
FILE PHOTO: Tarazona at a press conference outside the Venezuelan prosecution service

Fundaredes is an NGO that for years denounces the presence of Colombian guerrillas in Venezuela and argues that these groups They have the support of the Nicolás Maduro regime.

Last Wednesday, Tarazona asked the Caracas prosecutor’s office that the former interior minister and former governor of the central state of Guárico Ramón Rodríguez Chacín be investigated and his wife, Carola de Rodríguez, for their alleged connection to the Colombian guerrillas of the ELN.

“We ask the public prosecutor to investigate the relationship, for example, of Rodríguez Chacín, of Carola de Chacín, with these leaders of the central command of the ELN (COCE), their participation in protected houses, for example, in (the state) Barinas, the quinta el Vendaval, the herd el Guayabal ”, a NGO director Javier Tarazona told reporters.

Javier Tarazona, national coordinator of Fundaredes with part of his work team
Javier Tarazona, national coordinator of Fundaredes with part of his work team

The activist recalled that A few weeks ago his NGO also denounced before the entity the existence of “safe houses” for the functioning of the “leaders” of the ELN (National Liberation Army) and of the dissidents of the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. ), who have “protection” from state security officers. According to Tarazona, some of these houses belong to Rodríguez Chacín.

“Today, we ask the prosecution to inform national and international public opinion what is the relationship between the Don Pío farm – another so-called “safe house” -, that it is a Venezuelan commercial register belonging to Rodríguez Chacín, ”he said.

On another side, Tarazona also denounced the “participation” of the mayor of the municipality of Páez of the State of Apure, José María Romero, in an operation of “La Segunda Marquetalia”, one of the dissident groups of the FARC, and of the ELN in Venezuela. The director of the NGO said that the prosecution should investigate the reasons why “the town hall“From this town “It is used as the epicenter of operations with the leaders of the ELN and the FARC.

(With information from EFE)


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