Venezuelan regime has started supplying Carvativir prisoners, the ‘gothic’ questioned about COVID-19 promoted by Maduro


Venezuelan prisoners (EFE / File)
Venezuelan prisoners (EFE / File)

NGO A window on freedom (UVL), which defends the rights of prisoners in Venezuela, denounced this Friday that authorities have started supplying Carvativir, a drug whose effectiveness is in doubt against COVID-19, about 200 deprived of liberty in a prison in the state of La Guaira.

Doctors (…) will give (detainees) 15 drops of Carvativir per day for seven days, as well as multivitamins for five days», Declared Andrés Goncalves, secretary for the security of the citizens of this coastal region near Caracas.

The information was provided by the same official through his account on the social network Instagram. The activity, Goncalves explained, included disinfection with benzyl benzoate for skin conditions and the dissemination of sodium hypochlorite into cells “as part of preventing the spread of COVID-19 among the deprived population. “.

According to the authorities, with this task They seek to avoid and eliminate the chain of infections of this disease “so that it does not reach these areas”, but UVL warns that it occurred after an inmate at this detention center showed symptoms of COVID-19, so she was transferred to a other place.

Photograph provided by the Miraflores press showing a Carvativir container in Caracas (Venezuela).  EFE / Miraflores press
Photograph provided by the Miraflores press showing a Carvativir container in Caracas (Venezuela). EFE / Miraflores press

“Although the case has not been confirmed by the local authorities, sources from the preventive detention center assure that it is a positive case, so they proceeded to take care of all of the the population deprived of their liberty, ”explains the non-governmental organization.

Venezuela is going through a new wave of pandemic amid which infections and deaths increased, totaling 154,165 and 1,532 respectively, while the country received only vaccines to immunize less than 3% of its population.

however, the regime distributed thousands of cans of Carvativir across the country, an antiviral extracted from thyme that Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro has ordered to apply to patients with COVID-19 as a complementary treatment.

The National Academy of Medicine has asked the executive to publish studies that support the drug’s effectiveness, which has not happened, although Maduro insists on calling the drug “miraculous.”

Nicolás Maduro profile on Facebook
Nicolás Maduro profile on Facebook

Facebook blocked Nicolás Maduro’s page for misinforming COVID-19

Facebook blocked the page of Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro for violate your policies by spreading disinformation against COVID-19 by promoting a remedy that he says without testing cures the disease, a spokesperson told the news agency on Saturday. Reuters.

Facebook deleted Maduro’s video promoting the drug because it violates a company policy that prohibits false claims “that anything can guarantee prevention of COVID-19 infection or can guarantee recovery from COVID-19.”

“We are following the guidelines of the World Health Organization, according to which there is currently no drug that prevents or cures the virus,” said the spokesperson. Reuters.

Maduro presents the “miracle drops” against the coronavirus

Due to repeated violations of our rules, we block the page for 30 days during which it will only be available in read mode“, He said.

In the video, Maduro says that Carvativir, which he describes as “miraculous goths” by 19th-century Venezuelan physician José Gregorio Hernández, who was beatified by the Catholic Church, can be used as a preventive and therapeutic measure against the coronavirus.

The page administrators have been made aware of the policy violation, the spokesperson said.

For its part, Maduro’s account on the Instagram platform, owned by Facebook, intended to share photos, will not be affected.

(With information from EFE)


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