Venezuelans lost their fear and returned to mobilize against Nicolás Maduro – 30/01/2019


Venezuelans lost their fear and again dared to challenge the security forces of the country. Nicolás Maduro. Wednesday's mbadive and enthusiastic protest showed that the opposition was active and that the hope placed in the head of Parliament, Juan Guaidó, is the engine of this popular rebellion that has revived the Caribbean country.

A powerful element of pressure for the diet, to which is added European recognition of the Leader of the Opposition. "The European Parliament recognizes Juan Guaidó as the legitimate acting president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in accordance with Venezuela's Constitution, and expresses his full support for his road map," said the resolution on which the vote will take place today. 39; hui.

"I do not want a bonus, I do not want CLAP, I just want Nicolás to leave," they said yesterday at Plaza Altamira de Caracas, with a resurgent fervor that contrasts with the opacity of the city. 39, last year. The appeal of the opposition to go out between 12 and 14 years to express support for the National Assembly (Parliament) had an unusual result.

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The concentrations in the main corners and squares of Caracas, as well as in other important cities of the interior, have been innumerable. This shows what the experts have pointed out: the rejection of Maduro is increasing every day.

Some have donned Venezuelan flags, some have national flags or t-shirts, and thousands of Venezuelans have demanded that the Chavista leader leave the country and that early elections be called. "I want a free Venezuela", "Guaidó, Guaidó, people are already gone," they sang.

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On one of the corners, Teresa Hernandez and a group of work colleagues, still in uniform, shouted slogans against Maduros and laughed at each occurrence. "I am here because I want a transitional government so that we can participate in free elections," he said. Beside her, Gabriela Rondó takes off her Venezuelan-colored cap and, almost with devotion, tells the head of Parliament: "We support Juan Guaidó, there can be no more violence, the dead end."

When the issue of popular participation in the Chavismo protests and accusations arises that there are only bourgeois marches in Caracas, the four women give a white laugh. "You can see, here are people everywhere, very humble people, workers like us, who have left our jobs to come in. There is everything," says Gabriela.

Demonstrations against the Maduro regime intensified with the installation of a younger opposition, uncontaminated by the old policy, and that is represented in this industrial engineer of 35 years who decided to represent the popular claim. "The reality is that at the political level we did not have anyone, we were hopeless, the opposition was gone and they lost credibility, I think Guaidó is a person who does things well," says Elizabeth, who also left his work at lunch time to protest.

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In another "trancazo" (piquet) of Caracas, Alex synthesizes the general motivation. "We are already tired of this government, queues, lacks, violence, repression, speeches." For Hernán Pérez, "the pressure exerted by the United States has been crucial, very important, even if it affects us a lot, because it would deprive the government and the army of resources."

Guaidó, who avoids anticipating his movements for security reasons, also participated in one of the concentrations. He chose to join the medical students of the Central University of Venezuela. "We continue on the street, we continue to perform our duties, they thought that today Venezuelans would be afraid, they would generate fear, but today we are in the street and we will come back Saturday ", he said while walking around the scene with a megaphone in his hand.

According to him, there were protests in more than 5,000 points across the country, which was considered a success by the organizers, who are preparing for the big march next Saturday.

Caracas, special envoy


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