Venezuelans residing in Trinidad and Tobago will be vaccinated against the coronavirus


Venezuelan migrants on the Trinidad and Tobago government list are given food bags.  EFE / Andrea De Silva / Archives
Venezuelan migrants on the Trinidad and Tobago government list are given food bags. EFE / Andrea De Silva / Archives

Venezuelans, along with the rest of immigrants residing in Trinidad and Tobago, will receive COVID-19 vaccines available to local health authorities, as announced by the Prime Minister of the Caribbean country, Keith Rowley.

Rowley, who is also president of the Caribbean Community (Caricom), made the announcement during a press conference released this Saturday with the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

In Trinidad and Tobago we have a fairly large number of immigrants within our borders and we recognize the nature of the problemRowley pointed out.

“We will only be successful in protecting our people if everyone within our border receives the same type of treatment, because having an uncovered immigrant population would mean permanently keeping a group with the virusRowley pointed out.

The prime minister said Trinidad and Tobago’s effort to track those infected will identify those infected, whether immigrants or not, and ensure that they are treated appropriately so that they are not do not suffer and do not pose a threat to the rest of the population.

We have to watch over everyone. Fortunately, we had relatively low levels of spread and we haven’t had a worrying number within this particular population, so we don’t separate and discriminate people, ”he said.

Ghebreyesus, for his part, praised Rowley for his leadership in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

He also said that the virus’ “invisible enemy” cannot be defeated without solidarity.

“I would also like to acknowledge that Trinidad and Tobago, your country, did very well in this pandemic and this is due to his leadership, even without vaccines using simple public health solutions, we can see from his own experience that this virus can be controlled, ”Ghebreyesus said.

The Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Keith Rowley.  EFE / Andrea De Silva / Archives
The Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Keith Rowley. EFE / Andrea De Silva / Archives

Trinidad and Tobago police arrested 10 Venezuelan migrants

Police in Trinidad and Tobago have arrested ten Venezuelan immigrants after chasing a high-speed vehicle in which they were traveling near the capital, Port of Spain, after entering the country illegally.

Police in Trinidad and Tobago reported that the incident occurred on Wednesday, when a police patrol observed a vehicle being driven at high speed and recklessly.

Police officers they started a chase of almost 40 minutes without success until finally, they found the abandoned vehicle. After searching the area, the police found the Venezuelans, four adults and six children, which were hidden in nearby bushes.

The police command noted that theThe detainees were searched and transferred to a nearby hospital where they were medically examined in accordance with protocols established by local authorities for COVID-19.

Two of the detainees were transferred to San Fernando General Hospital for further examination.

The other detained Venezuelans were taken to the Santa Flora police station, a step before their transfer to the coast guard base of the Chaguaramas heliport.

Police searched the abandoned car and action was taken to locate the owner, as detailed by force.

The arrival of Venezuelans in the territory of Trinidad and Tobago has increased in recent months.

(With information from EFE)


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