Verbitsky revealed that Macri's security forces had extorted Carrió


The journalist Horacio Verbitsky explained in Discover the radio how the pressures by which the government of Mauricio Macri extort money from his officials. This is a framework of procedures of the security forces and one of the victims was Elisa Carrió.

On March 13, 2019, Carrió appeared before the judge Claudio Bonadio denounce this to the Chancellor Jorge Faurie He had arrived by an internal communication between the embbadies, where data from Argentineans abroad, that his son Enrique Santos He was reportedly detained since 28 February in Mexico for a drug cartel case. After receiving this information, Carrió's maintained with his son, who told him that it was not true and that he was at home.


Horacio Verbitsky destroyed Guillermo Moreno and left his lie exposed to CFK

Then, the secretary of Bonadio, Maria Vanesa Spinosa, confirmed what Carrió said with Faurie, who also made it clear that he was aware of an Interpol trade.

Verbitsky, in his column entitled "There will be consequences", indicated that in the cable of the Internal Chancery, migratory movements were requested from Santos and that it was established that it was not there. had not. From Mexico, they also confirmed that in Jalisco, there was no process initiated by drugs or weapons.

"The one who has armed the cause is the federal police," said Verbitsky about the fabric. "This has a political problem and it's a Machiavellian way of driving very typical mafia, to have allies who have short rein," the reporter said.

And he deepens: "Carrió has extorted information according to Mbadot and the security forces who depend on Macri have let him know that he could not bad them with impunity.We are leaving the obvious stream of news."


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