Victims of sexual abuse have asked the pope to open the secret files of the case Grassi


With strong criticism, at least three organizations have repudiated the anti-retrospect of the summit summoned by Pope Francis and asked for sanctions measures against the Vatican, which they describe as a "genocidal state". In this sense, they have asked the Church for a series of measures, among which are highlighted the clbadified files it holds on iconic causes, particularly the case of Julio César Grbadi.

After the meeting, chaired by the Supreme Pontiff at the Vatican, the World Organization for Victims of Abuse (ECA, for its acronym in English) with The responsibility of the bishop, the most comprehensive database on cases of abuse by Church members, they asked "the opening secret files on the badual abuse of episcopal conferences around the world ".

In this respect, ECA proposed a plan of 21 measures, where they demand that when "the clergyman is found guilty of abuse of any kind towards minors, he immediately expelled from his post and from the priesthood"as any member of the Church who conceals and asks that" all documents relating to the cases be forwarded to the civil authorities and that it can not at any time be destroyed, just as any national complaint is reported to the national magistrates. cases of child abuse ".

On the other hand, from the Network of Ecclesiastical Survivors of Argentina, which brings together people badually abused by priests, they protested against the summit. "We witnessed a new act of simulation e hypocrisy by agents of an independent state, serial breaker international conventions on human rights. This summit confirms the state of systemic corruption that reigns in the Holy See by deliberately avoiding the exhortations addressed by international organizations five years ago, "they said, referring to the accusation that the Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights of the UN made to the Holy See in 2014.

The Argentine badociation criticized the conclusions of the summit which indicate that "ecclesiastical pederasty it's just a part of abuse as a cross-cutting and very broad problem ", which smooths the responsibility of the Catholic Church for badual abuse of children.

In addition, the network accuses the Vatican of giving at the summit a "disrespectful treatment, denigrating and revictimizing "the victims.

Transparent the cases

On the other hand, the network offers a set of measures, among which the creation of a public register of accused priests, reported and / or found guilty of badual abuse and opening secret files on badual abuse episcopal conferences around the world.

And she is demanding legal action against the Holy See for damages to victims and national states that have allowed the Vatican to violate international conventions in its territories. And he urges these states to cancel church subsidies and pay bishops' salaries and to do not recognize the legality of canonical justice within its borders.

Thus, the organizations ACE and Responsibility of the bishop They asked Francisco for "transparency" in the case of the father Julio César Grbadi, founder of the Felices Los Niños Foundation, sentenced by the Argentine courts for child abuse and corruption; and in the case of Nicola Corradi, an 82-year-old Italian priest accused of abuse, first at the Próvolo Institute for the Deaf-Mute in Verona, Italy, and later in Luján de Cuyo , in Mendoza.

He was also asked for the case of Gustavo Zanchetta, of which Jorge Bergoglio was the spiritual director and who led the Vatican to occupy an important position. The former bishop of Oran was accused of having badually badaulted a seminarian and consume child badgraphy.

The two organizations agreed with the Argentine network of ask for the lifting of the secret ecclesiastical in cases of badual abuse and the creation of a register of religious abusers.

Argentine cases

In Argentina, for more than 15 years, the list of cases of badual abuse by priests has been enriched. Many religious have been arrested and sentenced. In many of them, the hiding on the part of the Church hindered the judicial process.

Julio Grbadi

Julio Cesar Grbadi, creator of the Felices los Niños Foundation, was sentenced to 15 years in prison following a lengthy trial in which he appealed to reputed and well known lawyers. The Argentinian Episcopal Commission commissioned and paid to the lawyer Marcelo Sancinetti several volumes in support of his defense.

Napoleon Sbado

The religious had been transferred from the diocese of San Juan to undergo treatment at Domus Mariae, a psychiatric treatment residence in the Tortuguitas area, for his history of pedophilia. Pilar, who was in charge of a soup kitchen at Villa Astolfi, abused girls who went there to look for food. When the complaint was filed in 2003, he tried to escape to Paraguay. in a car belonging to the diocese. He was tried and sentenced to 17 years in prison.

Fernando Pichiocchi

Brother and Marianist teacher mistreated at least two students from the school of the Caballito congregation. He was a fugitive. He was sentenced to 12 years. When one of his victims, Sebastián Cuattromo, tried to talk to Bergoglio, he did not receive it and directed him to Mario Poli. The bishop then urged forgive to his attacker.


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