Victoria Donda is not the woman who consumes cocaine in a viral photo


Circulate in Facebook nail photo of a woman consuming cocaine next to a legend that she says is Victoria Donda, national deputy of Somos. However, this is false: although their identity is not known, the person who appears in the photo is not the national deputy of the city of Buenos Aires. In addition, the image circulates from at least 2017 and is also spreading in Spain and Mexico as if it were a member of these countriesbut this has been verified and denied by specialized means.

This misinformation has been shared 7 times on Facebookaccording to the information provided by the publication itself. In the room, you see a woman sniffing cocaine in a cell phone that she has in her hand. Although she does not specify when and where the picture was taken, she only states that she is the national MP, even though the woman on the photo is physically different from Donda.

Although it was not possible to determine the identity of the woman in the picture, it is verified that the person who appears is not Donda. As you can see in the latest images – that the MP and the candidate to renew their banking operations published in their social networks, does not concern the same woman: among certain differences, we can see that the characteristics of the face and the hair color are different.

The photo has also appeared on "memes" pages on the Web and in various countries since at least 2017.

This misinformation was previously verified by verification. In fact, this year had already circulated last May and April (see here and here). On both occasions, the national deputy of Somos, member of the interblock network for Argentina – of which Felipe Solá is the vice president – and former member of Libres del Sur, has confirmed that he is the only member of the network. was acting from a false publication. In addition, he was of the opinion before that it means:

"You can see that they have nothing to beat me because they have to invent things like this where it's very obvious that it's not me." I would not joke, I would put a denim jacket or glbades on my head.

As noted, the image has also circulated in other countries. In Spain, it was stated that the woman on the picture was a member of the "Ciudadanos" party called "Ana Ronda" and, in other cases, a member of parliament from Podemos bearing the name "Vicki Donda". But the Spanish data verification sites, Newtral and Maldita, discovered that in both cases it was misinformation. Although they could not determine the identity of the woman, they proved that the person represented was not the one mentioned in the messages.

Finally, in Mexico, the image was identified with posts with a woman also known as "Vicki Donda", allegedly a member of parliament in Mexico by the Morena party. The verification site of Political Animal could verify that there is no legislator bearing this name in this country and that, as a result, the information was false.

  • This memo is part of Reverso, the collaborative journalistic project that brings together more than 100 media and technology companies, including Filo.News, to intensify the fight against misinformation during the campaign.

Author: Imanol Subiela Salvo

Edition: Matías Di Santi, Laura Zommer and Cecilia Becaría

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