Vidal has improved the salary proposal to teachers, but unions have rejected – 23/07/2018


After 94 days of interruption of the dialogue between the government and the Guilds of Teachers of Buenos Aires, the joint table took place on Monday afternoon. There the provincial government took a proposal to improve the wage, but for the unions was insufficient and stayed closer to a new strike, which would be the ninth in the school year that began in March . Vidal receives guilds from teachers to try to avoid a strike after school holidays "src =" "data-big =" https: // "data-small ="” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

L' official offer was an increase of 16.7% in July and a new announcement in August. But union representatives reported the "flat refusal " of this wage scale and intimidated an "urgent summons " this week to continue negotiations. This would be the last instance before the strike.

The proposed improvement is 15% in July plus 1.7% in teaching materials. This updates the proposal of the governor María Eugenia Vidal on April 20, the last time the parity came together, when teachers were offered 10% increase for the first half, plus 3,000 pesos for presenteeism.

  Guilds demonstrated during the meeting. (Photo: Mauricio Nievas)

Guilds demonstrated during the meeting. (Photo: Mauricio Nievas)

Next, the Gremial Front – including FEB, Sadop, Amet, Udocba and Suteba- demanded a 25% increase. Now, after the devaluation of the currency by the financial run of May and June, basically, demand was installed in 30% of the salary increase and the trigger clause of the revision.

These discussion terms, the result is far from being the parties' satisfaction. Vidal faces a forced retraction of the national government's spending agreement with the International Monetary Fund, which would force an adjustment of about 23,000 million in Buenos Aires. But, in addition, by the scarcity of its own resources: the deficit of good faith this year is anticipated in 31,000 million weight. And, although the legislature has voted a debt of 60,000 million, the provincial state will not take any debt that derives from current spending. As a result, the governor has signed a moderate increase for a sector of public administration, led by the UPCN, to advance the 4% quota that the state should bill only in September. Initial trading was 15% for the whole of 2018, averaging 7% in January, 4% in May and 4% in September.

L'inflation a pulverized this forecast and forced in advance, also to anticipate the payment of premiums. The measures have been resolved as palliatives. At the same time, some guilds that lead parities, such as Truckers, have achieved a 25% improvement. In this scheme, he wants to negotiate now the front of the trade of the teachers. The wage depreciation, they insisted at the meeting, suggests that " 30% is the basis of any negotiations ."

Tugging has not dispelled anything predictable: unemployment, already approved the trading of this day and which at this moment is suspended by a thread. This year, there were eight strikes . Five summoned by the unions of Buenos Aires and three that were made in adherence to the national measures. The negotiation is still without outcome. " They came with the strike already resolved .It is very difficult to approach positions," explained a provincial official at Clarín .

At all times, Vidal demanded that his ministers "be realistic" with the manipulation of numbers. What does it refer to ?. One point of salary increase to 300,000 teachers and badistants exceeded 1,000 million pesos. There is a distance of almost 15 points between them. "To take accounts," suggest in the government. " Ask each teacher how much they increased the cost of living in all these months These accounts are not withdrawn by officials," they answer from the FGD

The bademblies have already defined the mandate to cease operations once the winter holidays are over. It could be extended even for 72 hours if there is no reconciliation between the demand and the

At the meeting On Monday, the government proposed a new negotiation in August "to have greater certainty about the prospect of collection." "This way" , they added, "we could commit ourselves to pay what is in their means."

The meeting was held at the Ministry of Economy of Buenos Aires. The director general of education, Gabriel Sanchez Zinny, and the Minister of Public Affairs, Federico Suarez, were present

La Plata. Corresponding.

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