Vidal published an anti-teaching teaching video, but had to download it because they claimed that he was trucho


A few hours before the Front of the Buenos Aires Teaching Unit (1945-19005) announced a national strike for the first three days after the winter holidays, the Buenos Aires governor, Maria Eugenia Vidal, published in 19459004 the official social networks of the Ministry of Education of the province an anti-unemployment video, with the hashtag #VuelvoALaEscuela in which teachers and students requested the return of clbades on July 30 precisely the day of the beginning of the measure of force.

However, as informed the portal Letter P, the own protagonists of the place of the porteño macrismo against the teachers denounced that the video was trucho, because his words had been distorted to suggest that they were against unemployment when, in fact, the images had been filmed before the union's decision and in reference to a question that had nothing to do with the measurement of force. The Vidal executive had no alternative to remove the audio-visual from his Twitter and Facebook accounts, and even PRO executives who had joined the anti-unemployment measure sharing the material had to Eliminate it . It has happened – and that the government of Buenos Aires manipulated – is that the words expressed by the students and teachers who appear on the spot were produced and filmed during a science fair to General Rodríguez on July 13, 1945 before

In addition, the purpose was to encourage young people not to give up their post-winter vacation something that is detected with recurrence, basically in the cases exposed to a context of social vulnerability. Nothing to do with the struggle against a measure of force .

" On the day of the Expo to General Rodríguez, we were invited to make a video and talk to the students who were leaving school after the holidays . our words were addressed to these students and not as used by the people who edited the video later and sent these messages I support the teaching struggle ", badured Alejandro López one of the teachers who appear in the place of Vidal, through a video that he replied, in which he denounces the modality of the "false representation" of which they were victims.

For his part, the head of Suteba-General Rodríguez, José Amarilla spoke with the same media and insisted on the intentionality of the provincial executive: "Yesterday (Thursday ) we made this video and we saw that the compañeros who were there are our affiliates.We automatically communicated and confirmed that it was totally out of context. It was done on purpose just before the strike for a claiming a fair wage . "

In this way, video trucho seems to have been an element of the communication strategy to delegitimize unemployment that
Vidal Administration undertook after the order of the court to negotiate with the teachers, and while the public agenda had the focus of controversy over the scandal of the hundreds of affiliates and contributors tricks Cambiemos.

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