Vidal relaunched the 50% reduction plan in supermarkets • Diario Democracia


The governor of Buenos Aires, Maria Eugenia Vidal yesterday revived the fifty percent discount program in supermarkets for customers of Banco Provincia, which will begin on Wednesday the 18th will benefit "more four million "people.
Accompanied by the president of Banco Provincia Juan Curutchet, Vidal pointed out that the benefit will cover credit cards and debit with "a fifty cent reduction percent on supermarket purchases, for food, soft drinks and cleaning products, with a ceiling of 1500 pesos per month for reimbursement. "
The measure will start on 18 July and will be" applied on Wednesdays third and fourth of each month ", as explained the governor during his announcement in the city of La Plata. It will be available in 239 branches of Coto, Disco, Jumbo and Plaza Vea chains throughout the provincial territory and the city of Buenos Aires.

"Difficult Months"
"We are going through difficult months, convinced that we are going to overcome them together, that this province and Argentina are going to get up and get up, we have to be closer than ever and the state can not look on the other side, "he said.
Vidal remarked that" we will continue to bring measures to accompany this moment, which is transient, we will recover, we go from the front, we take the best possible path for a serious future for the Argentines.
to really grow and forever. "
He said that this program" will benefit more than four million residents of Buenos Aires who are customers of Banco Provincia "an entity that" for many years spent most of its resources for government of the province instead of providing benefits to the inhabitants of Buenos Aires
"This was completed in 2015. Throughout our tenure, we have no We have not asked for resources at the bank these two and a half long years, "said the president, adding that, thanks to this, the entity could institute" mortgages, credits for the land to recover after emergency situations such as droughts or floods, lines of credit for SMEs . "
Meanwhile, Curutchet explained that" the year last, 900,000 Buenos Aires has acceded to this advantage. want more and more people to choose Banco Provincia as a bank. It is a great effort but the Bank is able to cope with it because we earned 4 billion pesos in the first five months of the year.

Details of the benefit
• In the case of a debit card, refunds will be made within 10 business days of purchase.
• With a credit card, purchases can be made in one payment and the corresponding amount will be refunded in the next two summaries.
• Del 50% savings, 20% of each supermarket and 30% of the bank.
• Examples of savings of 50%: for a purchase of $ 3,000, $ 1,500 will be refunded. $ 500. For a purchase of $ 5,000, $ 1,500 will be reimbursed (maximum benefits).
• Clients of Banco Provincia will be able to access the promotion free of charge by applying for a free savings account to obtain the Visa Debit card.

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