Video: A bitch appears as a witness in a lawsuit for animal abuse, cited by a judge


Judge Sandra Barrera of Santa Cruz de Tenerife Criminal Court No. 1 cited a bitch as a witness at trial for being mistreated, an "unpublished" case in Spanish justice, as they point out. Europa Press sources from the Canary Islands Superior Court of Justice (TSJC).

This decision is governed by Article 337 of the Penal Code, which recognizes that an animal is a living being. It could therefore be cited to verify the evolution after the abuse suffered, hence a forensic investigation, with support from the Office of the Prosecutor and the President of the Provincial Court.

From the TSJC emphasize the "special sensitivity" for both the judge's animals and the prosecutor, Francisca Sanchez, who alluded to this as the dog named "Milagros" and pit bull – "has no voice, "was necessary his presence in the room, also symbolically to raise awareness about the abuse of animals.

"The usual is not, is the first time allowed", corroborate the judicial sources.

The events occurred on October 30, 2012, when the defendant – who testified by videoconference from Seville because he is being detained for another crime – would have been indicted by his partner, threw his dog in the trash in a suitcase, considering that she had died after being attacked by other dogs that she owned.

During his speech at the trial on Tuesday, the forensic expert said that it was not possible to surrender him for dead, and several witnesses said they heard screams and saw how the accused carried the bag with a dog who moved with difficulty.

Her current owner has defined her as a loving, submissive bitch, and the prosecutor is asking for nine months in jail and two years of inability to work with animals for the accused, for an alleged crime of child abuse. animals, while private prosecution increases penalties. one year in prison and three years forfeiture.


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