Video: A deadly tornado took away an inflatable castle with men inside – 02/04/2019


What happened to China It was unusual and dramatic. On Sunday, while families were having fun in a local amusement park, a tornado surprised everyone and proved deadly. The tragedy was in the city of Tianmiao, located in Shangqiu County, Henan Province.

In the images, broadcast via social networks and public television CGTN, you can see how the inflatable castle begins to fly to be driven by the wind. Then, the attraction strikes several meters away and people start running everywhere.

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Despite being tied, the game splits in two and does not withstand the force of the wind. The consequences were terrible.

The game was tied, but he could not resist the wind pressure.

The game was tied, but he could not resist the wind pressure.

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As a result, two minors imprisoned inside the castle died and 18 others were injured at varying degrees of severity.


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