VIDEO | A giant alligator has appeared on a golf course in the United States


The video went viral: A huge reptile interrupted in the middle of a golf course (Source: Instagram / Tyler Stolting)

A “beast” style jurassic park He surprised a group of golfers this Wednesday at the Valencia Golf & Country Club in the city of Naples, Florida. It is a gigantic alligator who decided to take a walk in the countryside without worrying about the world.

The video, which was only 15 seconds long, was filmed by Tyler stolting and the young man only devotes himself to saying bad words because of the astonishment which made him see an animal of such size: about 3 meters. Perhaps one of the things that impresses the most about her figure is her huge limbs.

Many users of Twitter and other social networks reacted in disbelief to the images. Many were suspicious of the video and argued that it must have been the product of an editing job and not the extremely humid ecosystems of the Florida peninsula.

On your side, The New York Post interviewed by phone two employees golf club, who confirmed the alligator was real, although they weren’t particularly impressed with its size.

It has been a long time since I last saw such a large reptile. I was quite surprised. “said Jeff Jones, a professional golf instructor. He also added that neighbors had previously reported seeing the huge animal.

David Sheen, head of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, said there was “nothing unusual” about the size of the alligator. “It is an iconic species and a success in conservation. But, in short, there is nothing extraordinary about this animal or the video, ”he said.

These monumental reptiles love to catch golf balls because they mistake them for their eggs (Photo: Roaring Earth)
These monumental reptiles love to catch golf balls because they mistake them for their eggs (Photo: Roaring Earth)

Before the video was released, the amateur golfer commented that it was “shocking” to see the power of social media to convert something to go viral. “Needless to say, we are in the part of 2020 where prehistoric monsters are returning from extinction.Tyler joked.

If there is a place in the world for this family of reptiles it is definitely the southern United States. The state of Florida is distinguished by its large concentration of swamps, the habitat conducive to the development of alligators. According to NGO reports Defender, there are more than 1,250,000 million of this species, meeting one of them is therefore not uncommon for its citizens.

“Human deaths linked to alligator attacks are a statistical anomaly,” Joseph Forrester, an avid crocodile researcher, said in a Stanford University article. Between 1999 and 2014 only 9 people died for attacks by these reptiles statewide.


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