Video: A machine was out of control in a water park – – Diario de Mendoza, Argentina


The scene was held a few days ago at the Yulong Shuiyun Aquatic Park, in Longjing City, near the North Korean border. More than 40 people were injured when the pool was named "Tsunami pool" activated a larger wave than expected.

Although several media initially spoke of an inebriated park staff member who would have activated the maximum power of the pool, a statement from the Longjing City Government seems to deny it: "According to the early stages of the investigation, the incident was due to a power outage that had damaged electronic equipment in the control room of the tsunami pool, which had caused an excessive wave of waves in the pool and injured the park has closed the pool while an investigation is underway. "

As can be seen in the clip recorded by one of the park attendants, the pool generated a gigantic wave that suddenly took a dozen people, including children and families that we hear yell.

A theme park employee told Beijing Time that a "Accidental machine failure" caused the incident. "Rumors say that a worker misused controls, but it was really a problem with the team"says the employee.

The water park is ranked as the largest of its kind in Yanbian Prefecture in Jilin Province and contains several similar attractions. In May, two people died and 12 were injured after falling off a toboggan in a children's amusement park in Sichuan Province, in southwestern China.


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