Video: A police officer shot a driver in the back because he was not wearing a seatbelt – 27/03/2019


The video has gone viral in the last few hours, but it's a fact that happened in May 2018. The images have now been published by US justice and have reached mainstream US media. This shows how a Kansas police officer blew up a driver who was not wearing a seatbelt on his back.

A patrol stops the truck driving the 35-year-old Akira Lewis to a traffic control post. There, the black driver begins to report that he was arrested only for his skin color. In this context, a discussion is generated between the two police officers, Ian McCann and Brindley Blood, and the young Lewis.

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Clarin Bulletins

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Thus, the driver and officer McCann fight until the Police Blood withdraws his gun and shoots him in the back. Because of this situation, which occurred almost a year ago, the grievor was put at his disposal. And he explained in court that, in reality, he wanted to reduce the driver with his taser, but he got lost and took out his regulation weapon.

The injured bullet was transported to the hospital where he was cured of serious injuries. Brindley Blood was removed from office, although she continued to receive her salary until January, when she resigned. He will be the subject of a trial, accused of a serious crime of aggression.

The injured driver and the police officer who shot him.

The injured driver and the police officer who shot him.

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