Video: a UFO? flew over the Miami sky and caused unrest in the population | the Chronicle


Residents of the US city of Miami were shocked by the appearance of an artifact in the sky, which for a long time surprised everyone. Meanwhile, some of them took the opportunity to film it with cell phones and upload it to social media.

Across the skies of Miami and the rest of the state An unidentified flying object could be seen in the form of a flash of light that caught the attention of thousands of people. “Does anyone else see this?” posted a user on social media with a visual attachment of what he was witnessing live.

It didn’t take long for the images to go viral under labels such as #UFO The #paranormal, but the alien conspiracy was refuted when the CBS meteorologist, Zach Covey, explained that this light It was not caused by an alien spacecraft, but by a US Navy ballistic missile.

It is a type of projectile called Trident-II that the submarines fall and that they can hit targets over 11,000 kilometers away. It seems that its presence at height in Florida is due to a test carried out from the Turks and Caicos Islands, so we will have to continue to wait for the visit of our neighbors from space.


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