Video: A violent tornado flew into an inflatable castle and two children died


The incident left 18 others injured.


What was a moment of childhood fun became a hell and a tragedy. It was this surprise tornado that pbaded through the Chinese city of Tianmiao, located in Shangqiu Municipality, Henan Province, raised by an inflatable castle in which several children were jumping and playing. The rubber structure took off with many children jailed inside with the worst of the results: two miners died as a result of this incident and 18 others were injured, with more or less serious injuries.

To integrate

The images of this terrible moment were taken by the mobile phone of one of the people who were at that moment in the Chinese amusement park. In this video, you can see how the bouncy castle literally flew, dragged by the tornado, to land violently against the ground, several meters from where it was. At that time, people – mostly family members of the children who were playing – began screaming and running desperately to help the children.

As often happens with these castles, the goal was not to move with the boys' own jump while they were having fun, although it was not planned that such a gust of wind would drag him and lift him by air.


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