Video: A "yellow vest" lost a hand after French police threw a grenade


Thousands of people have mobilized today in the capital and in other cities of France. Source: Reuters – Credit: Gonzalo Fuentes

PARIS – A demonstrator of "yellow vests" lost his hand after the police hit him with a tear gas canister during today's demonstration in Paris,


According to the French newspaper
Le Figaro.

The man, who has not yet been identified, was evacuated by firemen with a bandage on his arm.


Thousands of people wearing yellow vests are mobilized today in the center of


and in other French cities to demonstrate against the president

Emmanuel Macron

and its policies. The Arc de Triomf again becomes the scene of a mbadive and heavily guarded march.

The movement of

yellow vests

"came in

la France

mid-November, rejection of rising fuel prices and the cost of living. Since then, protests have spread throughout the country during all weekends. Today, the 13th march in Paris – convened via social networks – started from the Arc de Triomphe to the Avenue des Champs-Élysées, closed to traffic.


As in all the demonstrations of "yellow jackets" in this zone, the metro stations around the Champs-Élysées have been closed. Several protesters walked to the scream of "The police, with us!"

In Bordeaux and Toulouse, traditional centers of mobilization, demonstrations also took place, as in Montpellier, Lille, Nantes, Rennes, Brest, Caen and Lorient.

"You must not give up, you must win to have more social and fiscal justice in this country," said Serge Mairesse, retired from Aubervilliers, near Paris.

Although the demonstration of "yellow vests" has lost its force over time, the official figures reveal that thousands and thousands of people are still mobilized. According to the Ministry of Interior, last Saturday, more than 58,000 people took to the streets and routes throughout France.

Protesters gathered at the Arc de Triomphe and paraded along the Avenue des Champs-Elysees.
Protesters gathered at the Arc de Triomphe and paraded along the Avenue des Champs-Elysees. Source: Reuters – Credit: Gonzalo Fuentes

It is the 13th consecutive Saturday of marches in France; the movement is born in the rejection of the rise of fuel
It is the 13th consecutive Saturday of marches in France; the movement is born in the rejection of the rise of fuel Source: AFP – Credit: Zakaria Abdelkafi

Although the power of mobilization has diminished over time, thousands and thousands of people are taking to the streets.
Although the power of mobilization has diminished over time, thousands and thousands of people are taking to the streets. Source: AFP – Credit: Zakaria Abdelkafi

With information from AFP and DPA agencies


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