Video: An impressive storm swept over planes in China


Raging storm hit eastern China on Friday left 11 dead as a result, more than a hundred injured and an unknown number of missing.

In this context, a plane parked at the airport in the coastal city of Nantong, Jiangsu province, moved prematurely by the force of the wind and turned on itself, as can be seen in a video published by the newspaper People’s Daily.

A security camera at Nantong Airport captured the moment when strong hurricane winds, exceeding 150 kilometers per hour, they managed to move the plane from its place, parked on the track.

The storm collapsed trees, utility poles and even houses, plunging the city into widespread chaos. The dead were washed into the Yangtze River or struck by falling trees and utility poles, authorities said, according to a BBC report.

The number of missing continues to increase. On the coast, of the eleven people who were in a sinking fishing boat, only two were rescued and the other nine are still missing. Heavy hail damage was also recorded, local media reported, as strong winds tore plaster from the buildings.


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