Video and photos: the world's largest impressive aircraft flew for the first time – 15/04/2019


The Stratolaunch, the largest aircraft in the world, a huge-sized aircraft, flew for the first time. This was on a test flight in California. The plane, with two fuselages and six Boeing 747s, took off from the aerospace port of Mojave, about 150 kilometers north of Los Angeles, and did many maneuvers, including a simulated landing approach.

Your design will allow you carry and drop a rocketwhich in turn turns on to deploy satellites. In this way, the new aircraft would offer a more flexible form for this purpose than the vertical takeoff rockets because it only requires a long runway.

The largest aircraft in the world, in the air for the first time (Reuters).

The largest aircraft in the world, in the air for the first time (Reuters).

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The aircraft, manufactured by the engineering company Scaled Composites, is so big that the distance between the ends of its wings is 117 metersit's a bigger than the length of a football field and about 1.5 times larger than that of an Airbus A380, the largest pbadenger plane in the world, from a height of less than 80 meters.

The flight lasted approximately two and a half hours. Until now, the plane had only done ground tests. The maximum speed reached was 304 km / h and reaches an altitude of 5,182 meters.

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"What a fantastic first flight," said Jean Floyd, CEO of Stratolaunch. "The flight today (last Saturday) reinforces our mission to provide a flexible alternative to systems launched from the ground," he added.

In the air The largest aircraft in the world flew for the first time (Reuters).

In the air The largest aircraft in the world flew for the first time (Reuters).

Stratolaunch was founded by Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, as a way to enter the aerospace market to launch small satellites. Allen died in October, so the future of the company is uncertain.

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With 227 tons of weight, supported by 28 wheels and powered by six engines of a Boeing 747, the aircraft is designed with a double fuselage, which allows the installation at the center of both rockets for the launch of satellites.

The Stratolaunch, the world's largest aircraft, took off from the aerospace port of Mojave, located about 150 kilometers north of Los Angeles (EFE).

The Stratolaunch, the world's largest aircraft, took off from the aerospace port of Mojave, located about 150 kilometers north of Los Angeles (EFE).

The fact that the plane returns to the ground after launch and can prepare a new launch This represents a saving of 60% compared to launching rockets from the surface in its market segment.

Source: AFP and DPA.



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