VIDEO: Brigitte Macron talked about Jair Bolsonaro's mockery on the networks


The first French Brigitte Macron spoke during the last hours aggression of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on social networks. Although it is not a direct message, the Brazilian president has been criticized for celebrating the message of a user.

"I just wanted to say (…), because I see that there are cameras, two words for Brazilians and Brazilians, in Portuguese (…): Muito obrigada! (" Thank you very much ") , thank you very much to all they supported, "said the wife of Emmanuel Macron.

The aggression against France's first French is set amidst a growing controversy between the governments of Brazil and France, exacerbated by Macron's criticism of how Bolsonaro has handled firefighting in France. Amazon.

On the Facebook post that provoked the president's mockery, it was learned that a user had posted photos of the two presidential couples accompanied by the following message: "Now they understand why Macron is looking for Bolsonaro." "I bet it's Macron's jealousy," he added.

The montage compares the first French lady to her Brazilian couple, Michelle Bolsonaro, 37 (29 years younger than Brigitte).

"Do not humiliate the guy, Hahahaha," Bolsonaro replied, celebrating the publication. When asked if the commentary had been published by the head of state himself, a spokesman for Plbadto's presidential palace said, "We do not comment."

This Friday, during a visit to northern France, Brigitte Macron responded to offensive commentary from Bolsonaro. "Times are changing, some are changing … But not all are: some have stayed on the platform," he said in thunderous applause.

"I hope you hear it, I've been very touched," added the first lady to the press, referring to the support she's received from many Brazilians after the ## 147 ## Assault of Bolsonaro.

"Beyond me, it is for all women, all women have been touched (…) Things are changing, everyone must be aware of it. we can not say, things that we do not know anymore they can do, "he insisted.

Bolsonaro makes fun of Brigitte Macron and the French president replies: "Brazilians will be ashamed of their president"

– THE WORLD (@elmundoes) August 26, 2019


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