Video: Discovery that a mouse ordered his studio and filmed it to be created – 21/03/2019


Stephen McKears A 72-year-old British pensioner who began to doubt his sanity when he realized that objects had been moved to his small workshop. He left things in the same place and the next day, without anyone, they seemed ordered elsewhere.

Objects such as nuts and metal objects were stored in a box that the man had on a table. McKears left everything in disarray, but the next morning everything was in place.

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With the help of a friend, they decided to place a camera to find the "ghost". But what they found was as unexpected as even "nice": a mouse kept his studio clean.

"The heavier thing he picked up was a piece of plastic and the chain of an electric drill.In the beginning I did not know what it was.The boys said that he was a ghost, "he said with humor.

The 72-year-old man and the image of the mouse in his studio.

The 72-year-old man and the image of the mouse in his studio.

He was impressed by the behavior of the mouse. "I called him Mickey Metal I was very surprised to see it, it's an amazing mouse, "he joked.


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